3.0.54 VST/AU Notes are cut short compared to 2.2.1

I’m using Ableton with MG3 v 3.0.54 currently. I noticed that triggered notes are getting cut off much sooner than in 2.2.1. Is there a way to have the notes sustain longer as in MG2 in the current beta?

Thanks so much!


You can try to increase the sustain time either with the “Dynamics” (Hold Pressure) and/or the “Sustainer” MIDI Machines

Thanks. Sustainer is probably what I’m looking for but it’s not part of the VST or AU plugins yet. Hopefully this gets added at some point.

The sustainer is part of the “Midi Machines” and is included in version 3.0.54.
You should find it here:

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Hmmm… I’m not seeing any of these selections when I select midi machines with either the the vst or the au. I do have them in the standalone version.

Ah! Please click at the top where it says “click here to scan for plugins”

Thanks. That of course allowed me to see the plugins. I missed the scan requirement somehow…