Hello, obviously MG3 doesn’t like dissonant intervals
Note detection works fine as long I play thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, flat sevenths. MG3 works when I play fifth and sixth as chord. But as soon I play major seventh or a second with a fifth at the same time, it seems to have troubles. Minor second’s don’t work at all. Thanks
i don’t have specific experience with this issue, but the first thing to do is check your intonation and pickup height.
then post an audio file of the problem material.
another user helped someone debug this type of problem, in that case i believe it turned out to be finger pressure related? certainly he had no problem with ‘dissonant’ intervals.
I also have experienced wrong triggered notes in the cases you have described. What I found is that it makes a big difference how quick the single notes of a chord follow onto each other. Certain notes picked exactly at the same time can lead to mistriggers whereas played with a short time offset they sound as intended. Further the strings involved are also influencing the issue. E.g. Cmaj7 with root note on the low E string is very critical, but played with root on the A string is more “forgiving” (sure it has not the same character, I prefer the first of both example chords).
In regard to this issue I also find MG3Hex behaving better than MG3. It may help to repeatedly try to provoke the false trigger to find a way around it.