Activation code for MIDI Guitar 3

Good evening. I received the activation code for Midi Guitar 3, but I can’t find the window where to enter it. Thanks!!!

Press the Buy Button upper left and you should see activation button. Enjoy!

I entered my registration email and I was sent a code valid for one hour. I did not understand where to put this code. There is no window to enter it. But would not it have been better to create a button that made me upload my MidiGuitar2 license file?

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When you get the code, copy it (ctrl-c) and you will see at the bottom. Press “activate”.

how long does it usually take to get the email after submitting in the plugin?

i think it was less than an hour, probably more like 5 minutes.

check your spam folder and double the check email address, in my case when registering via paypal it auto-filled a secondary email and the license file ended up there.

What Do You mean? Off Course I know how to Copy - but on the bottom I can only and always again type in my email adress. Did that twice - receive always again the same code - so far so bad, because I cannot submit the code. Where can I do this? Copying the code does not change the popups.

Seems like we still need to improve the communication around activating:

First you should see this:

Type your email and click “submit email”.

Now you got an email with your license code and see this:

Type in the code manually or alternatively just copy it and it will automatically paste.

Press “activate”.

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Ok, thank You very much, this worked out. I´m sorry that it is hard to figure out what went wrong before, unfortunately this is often the case when I run into trouble and try to change all sorts of things. BTW: even before I found the progress between v. 2 and v. 3 impressive - - that´s why i wanted to activate…:wink:

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Hey all… Sorry If I’ve missed something here, but where do I find the link to get the TestFlight code by email? Thanks.

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