AUM interface

I have been trying to get Midi Guitar2 to run without going into panic mode setting in for years.
I’ve kept thinking it was the the iPad Pro’s processing power, that was the issue.
I started with the A chip and now I have the M4.
And MG2 will still go into panic mode and freeze, so I am trying to find some guide lines to follow.
Should I be using External Midi Out with AUM? If so how how do you configure it?
Is AUM compatible as an AUv3 midi interface to MG2?
Would it help to add Audiobus3 as a go between?
Or is LogicPro the preferred way to go?
I keep the buffer size to 256. I prefer the sample rate @96kHz for a better bass response but even when I have tried slow it down to 44.1kHz, it will go into panic after about 5~10 Min…
I have paid for the Midi out & Plugin options within MG2.
Many Thanks

Cant post a solution for you, every system is different, the only variable you dont mention is the audiocar, so maybe it is the problem? have you tried with other different?
Want only to say that Im using MG2+AUM with an Ipad Pro 10.5 running several effects, synths and MG2 simultaneously without any problem, never got any “panic mode” in MG2 (I dont even know what it is) so the problem is not the cpu of the Ipad.
Trying to answer some of your questions:
External midi out is only to control hardware synths, you only need an audio interface with midi i/o.
AUM is totally compatible con MG2 you can redirect the midi generated by MG2 to anywhere you want.
Dont need AB at alla.
Good luck

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Hey Thanks LJ, I use Zoom primarily but also use Steinburg.
I want to use this with a live setup but MG2 will inevitably fail with this test tone buzz and lockup until I force quit it. I call this “Panic Mode” everything in AUM will be unfazed.
I’ve tried 3 different iPad pros and 2 different audio interfaces.
I’m just looking for some basic rules to follow for AUM setup + integration and MG2 dependability.
Once again Many Thanks

I often use MG2 as an AUv3 in AUM (the best iOS host IMO!) and never have issues like you are describing. It is a very stable combination.

My iPad (a 2017 iPad Pro 10.5") is less powerful than yours and my commonly-used interface is nothing special. I only work at 48kHz because my interface is locked there and my buffer in AUM would usually be 128 samples but I’m ready to adjust it if needed.

I have never had a “panic” from AUM/MG2, only those crappy Positive Grid applications used in IAA mode. The reason that occurs with Bias Amp, AFAIK, is due to a sample rate mismatch.

I would recommend simplifying your processes to the bare minimum until you find the breaking point in your system or personal approach.

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