Blown away!

I’ve been playing since the '70s, and was recording analog in the '80s. I also love digital stuff and everything it enables – and MIDI plugin instruments are some of my favorite toys; I’ve literally got thousands. (I know, because I once bought 1400+ in one shot.)

My controllers are currently two keyboards, one with pads, and an edrum kit. I have always wanted a MIDI guitar, but they’re expensive, and the pickups are expensive and look like a hassle.

I ran across your software while looking at MIDI guitars, and figured it wouldn’t be great. Installation was easy, and the tutorial simple. I tried the standalone version first, and was honestly disappointed with the built in sounds.

So I tried what I was really hoping would work, went into Reaper and loaded up the plugin. I messed with the interface a tad, then added the BBC Orchestra plugin. And there it was! I was using my favorite guitar to play the horn section! The violins! The trumpets!

I paid immediately – and I can’t imagine what sort of sounds I’ll be happily messing around with later.

Great product! Great UI/UX! Great fun! Thanks so much for making this.


Hello Tim, welcome here :slightly_smiling_face:

Glad to hear you are happy, I feel like I saw myself when I discovered MG!

Don’t forget that for your convenience you can also use your favourite plugins in the standalone version.
And there are also many possibilities to discover thanks i.e. to the Midi Machine slots. You can find examples and other useful information in this forum.

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