I am having this strange behaviour with the message WRONG PATCH FORMAT and then when I moving forward I had a blank screen:
Running in BigSur 11.7
I am having this strange behaviour with the message WRONG PATCH FORMAT and then when I moving forward I had a blank screen:
Running in BigSur 11.7
Also I am not able to find where the patches are saved…it could be an idea to delete all patches as a workaround…
Please send me this patch file. Patches are stored in “the data folder”/Patches/. You find “the data folder” from preferences which is the icon top left.
I had this problem yesterday after I clicked “Share” and then decided to change some preset names in the folder that opened. Once I renamed everything back to the original names the error message disappeared.
I have never seen this, so if anybody get this error, please send me the patch file.
I managed to find out the folder and deleted all patches, after this MG3 restarts OK. Probably I did something like this edited the patch name when I was exploring “Share”…