While testing plugins I tried the AU version of BYOD.
All went fine and I could create a good ensemble of Guitar + MIDI (Zebra2).
Then I found a good blend of BYOD + Jamorigin Reverb on the master. Removed Zebra2 and I was left with BYOD + Reverb on the Master.
It worked fine and I saved it. While on the same session I could change patches without any problem. The last patch was named BYOD and it contained the elements described above. However a day later when MG3 standalone started up it tried to load the last patch.
I got a message about ‘Cannot load BYOD’ and a Download button mid screen.
During the session I tried several times to change patch and back to the BYOD patch but same result (MG3 blank screen, no chains, row buttons unresponsive) and in the end it crashed.
To help isolate the issue, did you try to start with a MG default patch, then add BYOD with no processors inside?
Also try to modify OpenGL use in the BYOD global settings (if you can open BYOD).
You are great!
Thanks so much for your work and attention to details.
To me those are minor issues. In general .42 is very stable and delivers.
Including polyphonic guitar to midi. Of course a lot depends on your playing and the synth patch involved but in general I can play in a way that is close to natural for me an getting good results 90% of the times. The occasional +12 note here and there comes from my setup. I have ordered a dumper and I will test with that.
Depending on the plugins and hosts used, and if your computer has a dedicated graphics card, OpenGL mode or Software Renderer mode can give different results in terms of latency and can sometimes cause bugs.
A few tests in the 2 modes will tell you which is the most stable and efficient, or whether there is no difference.