Fishman TriplePlay with MG3 Hex

is it a good option ?will it work? or i dont get much benefit from it compare to just regular midi guitar 3

Fishman TriplePlay doesn’t transmit audio, only MIDI. Game over.

Two things you could (but probably wouldn’t) do with FTP and MG3:

  • Send CC#11 from the FTP’s mini potentiometer to MG3 as a control source;
  • Host MG3 as a plugin in the audio channel of the TriplePlay host software.

I’m splicing my Fishman Fluence Single Width and FTP into my Graph Tech GHOST Saddles with the Acousti-Phonic/Hexpander circuits. Allowing me smooth transition to and from as well as different combinations of Strat Monophonic, Mono- and Hexa- phonic Piezo Acoustic, Mono- and Hexa- phonic MIDI.

The aim was to keep it so stock looking and feeling that nobody would realize half the things I can do with it.

I wanted to keep the vintage look and feel of the Strat Trem, and eventually sourced a vintage looking customized CP Holy Grail Tremolo ordered from Wudtone of Wales, UK ― replacing the stock hardware and electronics on a carefully routed Classic Vibe 50s Stratocaster. Connectivity via WIDI (Wireless MIDI), Ethernet (PoE) over USB4, and standard analog guitar audio.

PS: Though my experiment is more compact and onboard, the inspiration came from the successful experiment by guitar nerd Saulo Valerio and the loveable miscreants on VGuitar Forums.

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