Looking for other GP-10 / MG3 Hex users for assistance with midi control. I see the midi controller section in the lower left of MG3. I assigned it to GP-10 and that gave me patch up and patch down control. How can I assign the GP-10 CTRL switches to turn on or off a particular chain or instrument? Is there a “midi learn” feature in MG3? I’d also like the expression pedal to be assigned as a “Master Blend” pedal so that in Heel position the output is only the GP-10 processed signal and in Toe position the output is only the MG3 processed signal, in the middle it would be an even balance of both.
The BOSS GP-10 doesn’t output MIDI (disregarding the woeful pitch-to-MIDI output) except for the EXP1 selection of the built in expression pedal – CC#11 – and the preset up/down switches which send specific PC messages with MSB/LSM values (see attached image). EXP2 sends no MIDI CC.
So you can assign the expression pedal to whatever you want but be aware that it will have an effect on the over all output signal if you are using the GP-10 internal sounds, not the hex signals output present on USB audio channels 3-8.
The SY-1000 is a different story. Hope this helps.
WOW! The GP-10 CTRL pedal switches don’t send a midi control message! That’s sucks, I hate to add another floor pedal just to send midi. Yes, I want to use the internal GP-10 sounds blended with the MG3-Hex. Currently my GP-10 expression pedal is functioning as a volume for the internal sounds and the MG3 is unaffected (always on). This allows a blended output, but not the heal/toe (one signal or the other with everything in-between) function that I am hoping to achieve. I’ll need to delve into the GP-10 parameters more. Perhaps the MG3 can be panned left and the internal signals panned right and the pedal set to pan between L/R ?
I have set the first cc controller to 11, and I can see it dial up and down when I use the pedal. How do I assign that cc11 to control one channel in the Midi Guitar 3 mixer?
click on the cc11 knob and drag to the desired volume slider.
Awesome, that should’ve been intuitive for me! I thought I had tried it, but must’ve grabbed wrong spot. HOWEVER? once I make a connection, how do I change or delete it? Tried right clicking, tried CTRL Z, tried dragging off into blank area, tried pressing delete. What am I not seeing now? LOL
Click and hold on the cable destination to delete a connection.
Thank you, I had to retrace the connection then hold on destination.
it’s also fun to attach an expression pedal to the pressure ‘min’ button in the modulation device.
note: in my testing with a handful of mpe synths so far, about 50% of presets do not respond to pressure.
I saw a LoFiLeif’s video where he is playing the Ample Upright bass and the performance (tracking and sound) looks fantastic! https://youtu.be/x_OUNKdIE20?si=SklnLGxaY2IXpq3Q&t=1182 I have downloaded the Ample demo P bass and it’s tracking very poorly for me. It has a lot of latency and doesn’t work anywhere near as well as my SampleTank basses. The main difference I see is LoFiLeaf was using regular MG3 with the full version of Ample, and I’m using MG3 HEX with a demo version. I’m getting great results with most other instruments (GP-10 Win 11). Anyone having good luck with AMPLE? any special tricks?
I have no problems using the ABPL2 and no special trick behind it. I use the MG3 tracker in a DAW controlling a Instrument track with the Ample Bass as VST. I don’t have latency issues (Win11) or tracking difficulties.
Hi @erol
Don’t forget that I am using the JB Audio MPEfy for this. I still don’t suggest anyone neccesarily should go for that software for that reason, because the HEX tracker should be just as fine (if we are talking about handling speed) But I have noticed that the Ample Sound Polybend setting is not fully equivalent to the polybend handling I get out of putting an Ample Sound instrument in MPEfy. But again, you might want to wait with investing in that particular piece of software as good as it is. Just saying.