I’ve tried my various VSTs with latest beta update (3.0.47). Halion 7 (the full version) doesn’t get any MIDI input no matter what I try (works with MG2). Halion 7 Sonic (the “light” version) works fine.
Thank you for all your feedback.
Just make sure I get this right:
- running MG3.0.47 standalone?
- Halion loads and you can open the Halion UI and thing looks all right in there?
- It doesn’t get any MIDI from MG, regardless of MG3’s MPE/MultiChannel/MIDI1.0 setting?
Yes in the standalone mode but it’s also applicable for the VST plugin.
Correct, it loads normal and it doesn’t receive any MIDI input regardless of the selection I choose. I only hear the dry guitar input signal.
Thank you. I’ll have to look at this when I get time.
It seems like a very different kind of compatibility issue than we have otherwise seen up to now, and its extra odd that the light version works.
It’s not urgent for me > I don’t really use it in combination with MG2/3. I just thought to let you know about. Thanks you!
Thank you for reporting it - ill add it to the plugin compatilbity issue list
I just installed Halion Sonic and it seems to have bricked Midi Guitar 3. At start up it gives me the message that my buffer settings are too high. But I’m unable to change them. I believe it is an ASIO issue as I’m unable to change from the generic low latency ASIO Driver to GP-10. When I attempt to it says device not found (despite the fact that it is playing all the system audio, and shows up there). Midi Guitar 3 with hex input from the GP-10 had been working fine prior to installing Halion. Now I can’t get beyond this error message. I’m stuck!
Steinberg Support suggested I use a third party driver called ASIO4ALL_2_16. It allows me to get past the “Buffer size too high” in MidiGuitar 3, but it has killed all midi input from my GP-10. I can play the onscreen keyboard and sound comes out the GP-10, but no input is recieved from my guitar. I think I may have to uninstall all the Steinberg stuff???
Please don’t use ASIO4All and get rid of it as much as you can. It will only do harm.
GP10 has a native ASIO driver, you have to install. We are all using it.
Thanks, I had been using the GP10 driver with Midi Guitar 3 and was working well! But Halion did not work with the GP10 driverm so Steinberg support sent me to ASIO4ll I have now uninstalled it, but Midi guitar 3 is still not accepting signal from my GP-10 even though I have switched it back to that driver. GP-10 driver is working with Midi Guitar 2. Should I reinstall Midi Guitar 3?
Reinstalled Midi Guitar 3, it’s working again. ASIO4All must’ve had some parts that didn’t uninstall.
Although Midi Guitar 3 is working again after I removed ASIO4all, HALION crashes Midi Guitar 3 as soon as I try to load it. I can load other plug in instruments, but as soon as I click HALION Midi Guitar 3 just disappears, no error message it just closes.
I was finally able to install Halion 7 and fix this, for next update.
Excellent, I use Halion Sonic with the Electric Bass module. I will not attempt to load it again until the next update.