Having trouble using MIDI Guitar 2 as a standalone

Hi folks! Just started using MG2 about a month ago. Having loads of fun already, but am running into some trouble.

So, I’ll start off by mentioning, I’m using my Katana MKII 50 as my interface(maybe that’s the problem I’m having?). It’s all I have right now and really don’t want to have to get another Focusrite or something.

When I try and use MG2 as a standalone app, it doesn’t make any sound.

The program has notified me that I can’t use plugins like SWAM Violin or Viola, while running through Reaper, so, I tried the standalone. But, despite finding SWAM when scanning for the VST, not a sound is produced(with or without the SWAM VST)

I wonder what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks, to whoever can help, or is willing to try!


Hi @Past.FM

There can be a million things that could be the culprit here, but is it the SWAM instruments in particular or do you have a problem with playing any instrument in MG2?

Do you have sound into MG2? (Let’s start with setting up in standalone to avoid any issues related to Reaper.) If you open MG2 and click interface, what does the INPUT/OUTPUT/CHANNEL say?

Do the Katana show up there?

Hello LoFi! Love your videos! You’re the reason I’ve learned so much since getting MG2, so I thank you for all the work you’ve put into your video series. :grin:

The main problem I’m having is the standalone version doesn’t produce any sound. Not a whisper.

I tried using the standalone version cuz it wouldn’t allow me to scan for SWAM or anything through Reaper. Was pulling my hair out wondering why I couldn’t find it.

Here’s a picture:

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So now I see you are on a PC and use the Katana. This makes it harder for me to give you any great advice. I use Mac (exclusively), unfortunately. So I am not familiar with the settings for any driver you might have/need for the Katana. But is it your idea to use the Katana both for input and monitoring?

When you say MG2 doesn’t produce sound, does that mean you also not seeing anything happening in the MG2 GUI when you are playing? Some lines in the MIDI Velocity box, or something in the Meters (Input Gain/Noise Gate/ Gain/Master Gain)?

this might help a bit:

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I figured it out!

Thank you to everyone who replied!

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Hey, great to hear! Feel like sharing your findings? There is always something to learn from every question solved. :handshake::+1:

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Sure thing!

So, Ive got a Boss GX100. I set it up to be a pure interface(Menu - USB - Direct Monitor - Off), which the MG2 standalone seemed to like more.

After that I fiddled with the SWAM settings, in particular, I enabled After Touch for both the MG2 and the SWAM VST and it finally worked. I’m over the moon about it! :smiley:

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On second inspection, After Touch doesn’t seem to matter. It must’ve just been the interface (GX100 over the Katana).

I figured that’s what the problem was, but it’s really just making sure the GX100 is set to Off with the Direct Monitor and after that, set the instrument to SWAM and it works perfectly.

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Nice playing! Watching you and listen to the sound let me assume that the pitch bend range in MG2 and SWAM doesn’t match. The vibratos you do are not really reflected. You might want to check and set it to the same value (probably it’s 48 in SWAM / change it to 2).

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