Help getting EXS24 Sounds in MG3

I need help if someone has succeeded in importing Mainstage’s EXS24 Synth sounds in Midi Guitar 3.
Is there any way to insert EXS24 as an instrument in MG3.
Currently when i add instruments in MG3 it shows 3 plugins in Apple category which are useless. Sharing screen shots for reference.

The easiest is if you open MG3 standalone with a MIDI output module (e.g. MIDI Guitar Mini patch). This sends the MIDI data into MainStage and any instrument you load there can be played via MG3.

Edit: BTW EXS24 has been discontinued and is now called “Sampler” > You can load the AUSampler in MG3 and import EXS24 instruments.

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Got It, Thanks a lot.

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