Hex - back to the past?

This might be a stupid question, but I will ask any way😄

I was to believe that one key benefit of MIDI GUITAR has been the fact that you can use (almost) whatever electric guitar you like. But now, with this MG hex version, you have to buy an extra pickup system (unless you have a guitar with build in hex pickup). Isnt this somehow going ”back in time”?
Yes, I can understand hex is good for tracking chords, but still…

And by the way, I have an old Line 6 Variax 500 guitar. Could it work as a hex guitar🤔

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unfortunately the variax 500 does not output 6 individual audio streams.

regarding hex, there are a few specific use cases, in general i’m guessing that 95% of midi guitarists will not benefit from using hex instead of standard.

the remaining 5%:
slide players
tablature authors
those who operate individual string based cv synths (like prehm’s amazing trick)
studio guitarists who employ heavy midi post-processing
open tuning players

for me, hex is completely worth having to travel ‘back in time’.


I didn’t get the memo…when did this cease to be a key benefit?

MG3 Hex is an add-on to MG3 Standard. You don’t have to buy in.


What I plan to use it for (I’ve finally bought mg3 hex, still cobbling it all together with kimyo’s help) is probably an extreme use case. I’m a avant prog musician, and will likely use a lot of midi processing on it with my fretless electric guitar. VST instruments like some of the SWAM instruments, ROLI organs etc. I think its going to be a blast, even if maybe it is a blast from the past. I use midi guitar 3 and post editing in this video for the bass line which was recorded with voice and vsts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPtWOjivw1A

Let me make couple of basic things clear first:

  1. MG is amazing!
  2. MG is amazing!
  3. MG is amazing!
    So, I am so happy that I found MG by accident. I am still wondering how on Earth somebody can make a software that works like MG, it’s unbelievable (though I personally have major proplems with using MG2 with iphone, but thats an another story…hopefully it will be resolved).

My point was that if people behind MG are putting developmental effort to hex version, it keeps extra pickup system ”route” alive, and (maybe???) more and more development is happening in that area in the future. I assume that MG people have limited development resources, so can there be a danger that ”anti-hex” development energy is ”wasted” to hex development, and perhaps development of MG4 will take more time than it would without this hex route on side. I dont know, perhaps I am too narrow minded and dont understand the MG technology (which surely is true!!). And yes, I dont have to buy the hex version, but I believe in the future I will do because I want better chord tracking. But then I have to dive to this hex pickup world … gosh. This technology stuff is interesting, but what I like the most is playing music. I wish I was a millionaire, so I could hire a technician to make things work for me so I could focus on music only😄


I don’t think the Hex version caused a delay in the actual MG3 version. In any case, the technology that MG3 uses has to come first. For JamO, assigning six audio signals to this technology is a no-brainer. To equip a guitar with the GK-Kit is very easy and quick, one must not be a instrument builder. The build-in kits are a bit more tricky but not necessary to enjoy the superb tracking and many other options of MG3Hex.

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@JamO said: "It has become apparent that the technology that I have been working on for 17 years (still counting), can advance hexaphonic guitar tracking just as it has done for general polyphonic tracking. Finally, we can have super fast MPE MIDI guitars.

This is a detour from our overall mission with MIDI GUITAR 3 as it requires a hexaphonic hardware system to split the audio from each string. MIDI GUITAR 3 HEX will take over the heavy lifting from the hardware and outperforms any such hardware (1984-2024). "

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My experience was very good with all MG2, MG3 and MG3HEX.
I have been using GK3 and VG99 since 2010. In 2014 I got a GP10 to be used Live and spare my delicate VG99.
Because of that, I can now use MG3HEX because GP10 has the proper 6+2 USB Audio driver.
However, MG3 is great on its own. I use it with great satisfaction and primarily for solos since day one. When it comes to chords MG3HEX tracks better but MG3 does a good job anyway. As said by @kimyo it touches 5% of guitarists which have already a Boss GK system. You do not have to buy an Hexa pickup and GK device to use MG3. That is wrong. However if you appear to already own that technology than you can use it. Warning : With the release of VG800 it’s likely that GP10 will be phased out as legacy technology so beware the drivers availability. I am on Mac M1 so until Sonoma I am covered. What comes next it’s impossible to say. So mind the drivers for your OS!

I have a love-hate relationship with GK pickups.
The math is simple : if you have a Stratocaster there’s not enough space to install the GK3/GK5 - (that needs 1mm between the poles and the strings) pickup unless you emboss it in the pickguard (by cutting it) or adding a neck shim. The best guitars are the one with HH setup (Telecaster, Ibanez, Cort… and more) that have no pickguard so you can place it properly and a 5 minutes job. Of course if you deviate from standard action that Fender provides and you work with an higher action the GK3/GK5 finds it’s place properly and easily without hassle. So if you are a Stratocaster type low action super fast setup owner… use MG3 and spare yourself the challenge… :slight_smile:

  • Beware Charvels and all guitars with an embossed tremolo bridge… the clearing must be at least 10mm between the body and the strings…

MG3 Hex can also be seen as a special gift for the pioneers of the virtual guitar, i.e. the Hex PickuP users, who have also contributed a lot to the improvement of MG3 here in the forum.

MG3 Hex can also be seen as a window to the future, a reminder of what’s to come in MG3 Vanilla: better chord recognition, single string mode for alternative tunings, better MPE recognition in general for the remaining 95% of guitar players.

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So you don’t want it to be developed but you believe you will buy it in the future?

Make up your mind man

I dont have to make up my mind - MG developers have already made it for me. I just go with the flow😄

I am a Jackson Fusion series guy - I will keep your advice in mind, thanx!:+1: