Are there way to control midi guitar 2 functions in daw or stand alone. I can do it on my PC and in GigPerformer 5, but am trying to figure it out on my iPad version. The only thing I have seen that looks like it might do it is Camelot.
Forgive me if you already know these things, but if I’m understanding your question right, here’s a couple of ideas:
Standalone. In the MG2 UI on iOS, under the Articulation section, the bottom input is for MIDI Pedal, and you then look for the place to wire it (e.g., you can specify the CC# for sustain pedal control in the Sustain plugin). That is pretty straightforward, but its limitation is that it specifies a single controller. Full disclosure, I don’t remember trying control the specific attributes you specify here, either.
Plugin host. I have absolutely loved using Audiobus for hosting MG2; Audiobus’ MIDI control features are pretty simple and very flexible (the MIDI learn function is well worth three bucks). Using MG2 as a plugin, it solves the “single-controller” problem, because the host becomes the “single-controller” and the host is, inherently, a catch-and-relay environment for supporting multiple MIDI controllers. I have used MG2 in this way both as its own complete sound source (Instrument and guitar), and as a dedicated MIDI output for another app in the Audiobus scene; it works great. (But again, I can’t say that I specifically tried for the controls you mention. I’d actually use Audiobus itself to control those things.)
I haven’t used it myself, but AUM Mixer is a similar option to Audiobus and lots of people seem to love it. I would imagine its feature set is at least as rich as Audiobus’.
And, although I haven’t spent much time with it yet, you can use a true DAW like Cubasis in a similar manner. It may not be as simple to set up a new scenario as, say, Audiobus, but it’s a much richer client and will be capable of doing much more if you want.
I’m on MG3 beta for iOS now (it overwrites MG2) but from what I recall you use MIDI PC to change patches, so there’s no prev/next patch in MG2. I’d suggested to jump on the MG3 beta to expand the functionality of MG2.
Boy, the frailties of memory–it has been a while. I had a chance tonight to sit down and look at what MG2 exposes to Audiobus, in the form of plugin parameters, and it seems to be more limited than I’d have remembered. I can reiterate that my usual MO was to use MG2 as a “MIDI out” plugin within Audiobus, that wouldn’t bother with the guitar sound at all, but only output MIDI data to a synth. I’d use a separate channel within Audiobus to process the guitar signal with different plugins, and then mix the channels using Audiobus’ tools and MIDI control. Very flexible, with logical control over mix, gain, and levels of both channels coming from Audiobus rather than directly from MG2.
One thing I would do, would be to change MG2 “presets” with a floor switch, where the Audiobus command was the one to load a different plugin preset–this gave me a usable “switch MG2 presets” function. I would also pass in a sustain pedal CC message (usually CC64).
Looking back like this is a really good reminder of just how big an advance MG3 is over MG2. Wow!