How do i install my licence key

I bought a Midi Guitar Licence today.

No idea how to how to activate MG3

The instruction say I will be sent a code in an email.

Instead i was sent a link to download a file.

Other instructions said “point MG3 to the file”. How do I do that?

is the process of activation documented somewhere?

Okay, now I have also received an email with an activation code. It expires in one hour.

where do i type it in?

when I click on “activate licence” it wants my email address,which I provide.

Is this activation process documented somewhere?

where do i find the “activate” button?

i bought a licence. i received an activation code email.

where do i find the activation field to type the code into?

I tried it again. it now says activated. thanks

The activate button appears after you click submit email.