How to sync MG3 tempo

I want to sync tempo of my Mainstage with MG3 tempo to control Arpeggios speed from a synth inside MG3.
Idea is to tap tempo on my Mainstage to change (sync) tempo of MG3.

Click on the “bpm” icon and set the tempo matching Mainstage.
MG3 doesn’t auto-sync as far as I know.

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I think there have to be some way to sync tempo… Its a major feature that every plugin or daw has it… Cause in the live scenario it will be difficult to set a tempo for each performance.
Any inputs from the Developer…??

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“BETA Testing version” – It’s still under development. Do it manually for now.

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Thanks for the reply, btw will it work in MG2?

The only tempo related module that I know of in MG2 is the arpeggiator MIDI machine. There you need to select the BPM.

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MG3 definitely should auto-sync! But only when you hit play (i.e. hit spacebar).

You should see the BPM in MG automatically change to the host and also the tempo is forwarded into synths where the little metronome icons should bleep in sync.

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I am able to sync tempo of third-party plugins with MG3 as a plugin inside Mainstage, but it is not getting synced with Mainstage tempo itself Or Logic too.
Am I missing any setting…?

I assume you use the MG3 standalone application and expect that to synch to a DAW? > this will not happen.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to add a “Tap Tempo” Button on the MG3 top panel, in that case any hardware button can be mapped to the tap tempo to get in sync right away, rather then tweaking the bpm manually in MG3 after each song, that will get all synced with MG3.
Btw : In my case i use logic live loops clock-synced with Mainstage for live performances to get all my Delays and Arpeggiators play in sync with the Live Loops.
@JamO Please treat it as a feature request…

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Thats a good idea, but as far as I know a plugin is not able to change the tempo of a host. But for MG standalone it would work.