Introducing MIDI GUITAR 3 HEX (third HEX update 3.0.53)

The HEX helps with cords only, for monophonic instruments like saxophone it makes no difference at all.

The cord issues are as follow:
1 - when you have two notes in a cord that are one semi-tone away MG3 gets confused and usually does not play one of them. (or one of those notes fades out two early)
2 - when you play a full 6 note cord, some of the notes sometime get lost.
3 - On cords with large gap between the notes, think open E and the rest of the cord at the 12th fret the low E with overshadow the higher notes, some might not sound or just fade out too early.
The HEX will fix all these issues.

You do NOT have to get the “required (expensive) pedal”, you can just use a direct breakout cable into an audio interface that has 6 available line inputs.
More info about the cable here:

As far as strumming on piano, yes the HEX will help but you also need a good setup that allows you to run at low latency. (depends on computer and audio interface)

I realized the “struming on the piano” was posted in a different thread. More info here: