Is GarageBand a limited DAW when using MG?

I am a Newbie/ I am using with great satisfaction MG2 with Garage Band. I mainly use it to compose music for animations.

My first question relates to is it possible to use MG2 without GB or any other DAW ? I tried to use it directly, but I do not know how to. I searched in the net, and if you had a link I could refer I would be glad.

My second question relates to expanding to new instruments I do not find in Garage Band, As simple as a single Trumpet. Am I bottle-necked by the GB instruments ? Again I tried to search the Internet for additional set of Instruments, and I could not find anything probant. Am I doing something wrong ?

Lastly, will be able to add a breath controler with GB ?

I feel these questions are awkward. Please forgive my newbie situation.

Thank you in advance,


Beside that Garage Band (GB) has it’s limitations compared to other DAW’s also MIDI Guitar for GB is limited as you can see below:

Have you checked all the support documents available for GB:

From what I read is that you should have a standalone app. However you are limited to AU plugin instruments (no VST support).

Thank you Dutty67 for your reply.

I should have mentioned this but I did purchased the full license, not the one limited to Garage Band. I wanted to be able to have the “Plugins into your DAW” options. However I realize now that maybe there are no plugins for Garage Band ?

In this is the case, would you recommend me a specific DAW that works great with MD ? Or maybe you can direct me to understand how to choose a proper DAW.

Key for me today is to have the ability to play wind instruments, and record multiple tracks for my soundtracks (I use the Adobe suite for the animations I realize). I can play the flute with Garage Band, but I am not sure I can connect a breath controller. And Saxophone does not sound great with GB and there are no stand alone Trumpets.

Than you again for your help.

Hi karamel,

Aha, if you have a full license it looks different. It’s difficult to recommend a specific DAW, they all have their pros and cons, but you could start with some free stuff like Luna or Cakewalk. They work with VST2/3 plugins and also with external MIDI controllers like a breath controller. It will require some reading, testing and patience to get started but when you have understood the basic concept of a DAW you might choose a paid, more professional DAW.
I have Garage Band on my iMac but never ever opened it, so I can’t really give you any advice but the Jazz Trumpet VST in my former post comes as AU (audio unity) that should be handled by GB.

Merci beaucoup Dutti67 !

Thank you, as I understand now that GB is not the proper DAW for what I need.

Before jumping to Luna or Cakewalk (cute brand name: cake - walk), I will do a survey of the professional existing DAW. As I intend to invest time in learning another DAW, I may go straight to the proper one in order not to double the amount of work needed to master it.

Thank you again.
Take care

Hi Dutti67,

As a farewell goodbye, I wanted to share with you and potentials readers that I reviewed the DAW scene. I would have moved to Abelton, but as I am transitioning from Garabe Band, I have moved to Logic Pro.

I found this below DAW comparative analysis interesting, as it is done by a Music Studio who develops VST plugins.

Thank you for helping me move to the wide world of Music Production. I am a seasoned musician, it is time for me to make a serious deal with the Digital Music World. So long Dutty67 !
Take care.


Hi karamel,

Glad you made your choice! Well, enjoy it and move on!!
I’m wishing you a “Delightful Journey” (that’s the title of one of my tunes I attached below)!!


For me, it’s bedtime and this music is just the thing to take me for a nice flight in my dreams :slightly_smiling_face:

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