I have monitoring dialed to “software” 100%.
The Tascam doesn’t give a lot of options. Perhaps there is something I’m not seeing.
I have monitoring dialed to “software” 100%.
The Tascam doesn’t give a lot of options. Perhaps there is something I’m not seeing.
And what does the MG3 UI look like? OS or iOS? What MIxer settings are you using? Do you get this dry signal issue for every patch?
is there an alternate selection for ‘monitor mix’ on line out 1-2/3-4?
and to confirm: your problem is that you’re hearing the dry guitar but don’t want to? you do hear the synth output?
Make sure that the faders of unused chains in MG3 are down.
Gig Performer to MG3 (as VST) and external VST synth, but also inbuilt MG3 sounds. Aside from the dry output, the rest is working properly. RE: TASCAM control panel the other option is below (Computer Out):
Can you provide a screenshot of the MG3 GUI please?
i think computer out is the correct selection.
try turning the audio input for the guitar channel off.
i used to have this interface, long before i started using mg2. hardware wise it seemed fine but the software was a mess.
If you can hear dry guitar when you’re using the MIDI GUITAR MINI preset, it’s clearly a direct monitoring issue at the interface level.
FWIW, my nephew has a Tascam interface and I spent a good 30 minutes trying to solve the same problem for him about a year ago. The manual is bollocks so I just went with trial and error until we solved it. Sorry, I cant remember exactly how we fixed it in the end but there aren’t that many controls to adjust, right?
The leakage is more pronounced when triggering VST synths. I tried every combo of things in the Tascam interface with no impact. I may have to bail on the Tascam. What’s a better interface with the ability to control direct monitoring at a more granular level. I like having 4 inputs, also like hardware knobs.
i’ll give it one last go - iirc there is a tascam icon in the tray by the clock. i think it has different modes, like ‘dj’ or ‘studio’.
selecting one of those may provide some relief. there were also some kind of toggle switch arrangement.
if no joy, i’ve been using a motu m4 at various sample rates with mg3 and it performs well. it only has 2 input volume control knobs. also it would be nice to have a second headphone jack. but it is reliable and fuss-free.
So on the M4 there is a “mon” button independent of “input monitor mix.” I assume that right combo buttons gets me the control I want. I might go after the M6, for the extra input flexibility plus the 2nd headphone jack.
the m6 is definitely more flexible. maybe a non-issue but i don’t recall what happens when you monitor a mono input, on some interfaces there is no option to pan a signal to center in the monitor mix.
i’m also using a zoom l8 usb mixer. likewise stable at a variety of bit rates. it’s got many more knobs and routing options.
for mg3hex the individual gain controls are nice, if one note in a chord needs a little more juice you can just reach over and bump it up.
Got the M6 and just finished replacing it in my chain using the MG3 VST in Gig Performer. My guitar is plugged into Port 1 on the M6 and I am still hearing the dry input. The Mon button on the front panel is off (not lit) and the Input/Playback is hard right to “Playback.” I am on MacOS 15.1.1 and have installed the M6 drivers.
i’m not a mac / gig performer person, sorry. but please post a gig performer screen shot showing the routing.
leakage is more pronounced when triggering VST synths
this seems like a weird symptom. typically, the dry guitar sound wouldn’t be altered by the presence/absence of vst synths.
does this still happen when you load the vst synth directly in mg3?
The state shown is that Input 1 goes to Midi Guitar 3, then via Midi to Surge XT VST synth. Then from there to a virtual autio mixer, and then to M6 Output.
My use case is to be able to selectively mix in my electric guitar (S-Gear VST) with MG3 (connected to VST synths). For this I’m sharing the input from Channel 1.
Forgive the possibly ignorant question, but how would one load a VST synth into MG3 standalone?
I am monitoring directly off the headphones on the M6.
In GP, mute every VST block that channel one of your audio interface is feeding that also has a connected audio output. You could go as far as to remove the virtual audio output cables temporarily.
Can you still hear the dry guitar? If yes, then it’s your interface.
Anyway, MIDI Guitar 3 (to the right of your wiring layout) has no audio output connections. The other MG3 instance has audio out connected…but it’s muted in your screenshot so there’s nothing coming from there.
I seriously doubt this is an MG3 issue.
If you aren’t sure how to load a VST in MG3 standalone, you likely need to get back to basics before taking on more complex environments like GP. Click on any block in one of MG3’s three chains and choose a VST from the instruments or effects folders, depending on what you are trying to achieve.
vst synths are found under the instruments group (click on an empty slot in mg3 to add an instrument, midi machine, or effect…).
if your instruments aren’t listed, scan for vst’s under the configuration menu (the gear at the top left).
in general, it looks like you’re trying to build the millenium falcon here. maybe start with a landspeeder instead? (gig performer and just one or two instances of mg3)
or even easier, blending your guitar thru s-gear with a synth could happen using just two mg3 chains. put s-gear on the first and your desired synth on the second. you can then set a pedal to control both chain’s volumes (one reversed), toe down will give you full synth, toe up, full guitar.
if that is the goal then at the moment gig performer is not necessary.