Latency and adding VSTs

Hey do you guys know why my VST’s aren’t showing up in the patch selector? I’ve downloaded a couple VST’s and VST3’s they show up in the scan section, but it only gives me the option to check them, the little dot turns blue, under show. Then nothing else and they don’t show up to use them.

Also are there any good settings for helping with tracking? I’ve adapted my playing style a little to help but, it sounds slower and blockier when I play more precisely. I’m having a problem with the piano hitting extra notes when soloing.


on the vst’s - are you looking under the manufacturer name in the instruments or effects list?

on the extra notes - it may help to use a strike filter. piano is always very tricky though.

Yeah the manufacturer name comes up, ive clicked on that and the vsti name. The instruments are showing up and i can click the blue dot to check them but then nothing happens. Do you have any links to vst’s that are verified to work with MG2, so i can try adding them and make sure its not the VST’s?

i’ve used quite a variety of vst’s with mg2, occasionally i have run into one which doesn’t work. surge xt or free b3 are free options you could try.

can you load any of the jamo synths into a slot? (click on an empty slot, hit instruments, jamo, then select one of those)

saying ‘aren’t showing up in the patch selector’ makes me think that you may be looking in the wrong place.

also it is worth spending some time with mg3, unless you have a specific need for mg2. there are many new and extremely useful features in there.

I added Surge XT and it shows up in the plugin scan but then when i select patches in the other window it doesnt. Im using the trial version of MG2 if it matters, do you have to purchase it to add VST’s?

although patches do contain synths (and efx, midi tools, amps, ir’s etc), installing a synth doesn’t create an entry in the patch list.

to create a patch containing your newly installed synth(s): start from a new patch, then click on an empty slot. then navigate to instruments/manufacturer and select the vst.