License issue when using on a second computer

I have downloaded and installed Guitar/midi and installed on my main computer. I still have the license information. I have tried to install it to a secondary computer by just copying the application and putting it on my other computer, but I get the time out and the purchase option. Do I need to use the installer instead? Im trying to avoid going through the downloading again on the second computer. I see nowhere to enter my license when I now open it on the second computer, Any advice…thx.

there is more to MG and its settings than just the app.

  1. open MG on your old computer, click “preferences” - “MIDI GUITAR DATA FOLDER”
  2. that folder contains the settings file “midiguitar 2.settings”
  3. you can copy this folder in its whole to a new computer in the same location, and you’ll have the patches and licenses on your new computer
  4. alternatively you can just look upt the .license file you used to license MG, you downloaded it to license MG in the first place. Copy that file to the new computer, run MG standalone and apply the license when the interuption comes.
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Can that data folder be moved from users/***/AppData/Roaming and put somewhere else? I use a portable Reaper installation and it would be great if everything lived together in the VST folder.

You can find the MG datafolder under “preferences”. “midi guitar data folder”
If you transport that folder, license, patches and midi machines are contained.

Yes, but I wondered if the folder location is hardwired by MG. Does it have to be in AppData? Some VST’s allow their support folders to be in a user-defined location. That way everything can live in my Reaper directory which can be backed up, moved as a whole etc.

it is fixed at that location.

Salve e’ possibile usare la stessa licenza per un mac fisso e un pc portatile?

yes, it is possible. The license is personal, you may install MIDI Guitar on all your computers, asl long as you are the only user of it.

salve, mi interessa molto, voglio acquistarlo, volevo solo chiedere se ci sara’ una evoluzione per questo ottimo progetto o se e’ fermo! gli ultimi post che vedo sul forum sono della fine 2019
grazie Mauro Contarini

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