Licenza per MIDI Guitar for GarageBand

Ho acquistato, tramite App Store, “MIDI Guitar for GarageBand”. Purtroppo ancora non ho ricevuto la licenza. Cosa devo fare?

I reached out to you on the support ticket.
Basically MG4GB does not require any license. You just buy the in-app-purchase to activate it. Make sure you are logged in with your Apple ID on the Mac.

Ho acquistato MIDI Guitar for GarageBand sull’App Store. Adesso, quando lo apro come plug-in di GarageBand, non funziona: mi chiede di caricare la licenza o acquistarlo. Cosa significa? Io l’ho già acquistato. Attendo urgentemente spiegazioni. Grazie!!!

You are mixing up the MIDI Guitar plugin version and the MIDI Guitar for Garageband version (which doesn’t come with plugins).
Please see

If you want to upgrade to the plugin version, we offer a discount similar to what you already paid to Apple. I also replied to your email.