Can anyone suggest anything specific in terms of use of Midi Guitar 3 to keep CPU use down. I have been testing it and, whilst I’m amazed at how good the tracking is it keeps glitching, even with a 256 ms latency. And/or is it a known issue? TIA.
Please be more specific. What kind of computer do you have?
Are you just using the MINI patch in MG3?
What kind of synths do you use?
Thanks and sorry, it just occurred to me to add these at the same time I saw your reply. It’s a five year old Intel i9 with 48K RAM running Windows 11. Mostly I was trying with Arturia Analog Lab synths but also tried with Zebra as I thought that, being older, it would have lower CPU usage. Would a sample player use less CPU? I also (belatedly) watched the intro video and that recognises the issue so I may just need to work around it. But I’d still welcome hints and tips from anyone who has overcome the problem.
Please try to enable multithreading in MG3s general settings.
After that you have to reload a patch in MG or reload your Cubase project.
You should see it says 2CPU at the top right.
Yep - that fixed it. 128 samples no problem. Great product BTW - I’m amazed at the tracking. Such an improvement. I never really found it usable before because I had to go back and fix so many tracking errors. Feeling now that the new version could be incredibly useful. Thank you.