MG and AlphaJams?

Hi :grinning: AJ is a web/browser based app, it does recognize MIDI controller (Korg keyboard through Arturia MiniFuse interface) but I did not get the MG trial to work. Im not that familiar with this tech, i guess i would need to get the midi out from MG and used as ”controller” ect

Thanks :smiling_face:

Can you briefly describe what your goal is?

Well, I had a look what that software is about. I’m afraid that MIDI Guitar will not help you in regard of tracking notes you play. MIDI Guitar does not know whether you play a A on the 5th fret of the E string, or just on the open A string. It “only” detects the pitch but not the fretboard position. For this you need a guitar with an hexaphonic pickup.

AlphaJams plays backing tracks and shows chords/scales ect to use with the track and if you provide it MIDI it reckognises the notes you are playing. Works for example with Jamstick midi guitar

Like this:

Ok, thanks for looking in to it :relieved:

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Yes, the Jamstick guitar has a hexaphonic pickup and therefore “knows” which string you played. With both, the string and the pitch information, the fret position is defined clearly.

Just a note that this kind of guitar/edutainment doesn’t really need a hex pickup technology, when made properly.

Disclaimer: I developed 3 “learn to play guitar games” before MG. Here is one that never was published, although the video doesn’t show the actual “gameplay”, but it was quite advanced :slight_smile:

That’s probably the keyword!

Yeah and just as a thought, i think the Polyphonic tuners are pretty advanced now days in recognizing the strings, could that kind of technology maybe be used as well

The learning ”market” is huge so i think there could be interest in this :grinning: