MG2 convert to MIDI with built-in microphone

in MG2 how to convert to midi with buit in microphone?
I am using acoustic guitar and want to convert to midi so that I can change to sheet music with musecore ?

The easiest way is probably to set up with your DAW of preference, and make a MIDI track recording. Usually you set up MG2 as a effect plugin on an AUDIO track first.
Then, Arm to record a MIDI INSTRUMENT Track, and hit Record. After that you can export the MIDI file to Musescore, but you probably need to clean it up first. There are usually some unintended notes to delete, and also perhaps some quantizing to do depending on your performance. All DAWs are a bit different, so it is probably best if you look for a guide on how to set up for your particular system. :+1:

Thanks; and I will follow the instruction.

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