wanted to use guitar midi 3 for awhile till midi guitar 3 will be out , its says on the software that without license for guitar midi 2 it will have interruptions , what kind of interruptions will be ? thank you
My best guess is “sound interruption”. If you want to buy MG3 later when it comes out, you can buy MG2 since upgrading to MG3 is free, and enjoy MG3 beta without interruptions in the meantime.
MG3 times out after about 15 mins use – you simply have to click the I/F to resume.
It’s fully useable within each 15 min session.
Enough to play, experiment and learn for sure.
Ciao scusate se mi inserisco ma personalmente anche se ho giĂ da tempo il MG2 con licenza il beta MG3 si interrompe lo stesso. Mi dice di inserire un codice numerico ma io ho il file.license. Coso devo fare???
Not all here speak Italian > you should try it in English.
This is what you are asking:
Hi, sorry to butt in but personally even though I have had the MG2 with license for a while now, the beta MG3 still stops. It tells me to enter a numeric code but I have the .license file. What should I do???
If you have the MG2 license you can get a MG3 license just following the steps under “Buy”, “Get your License”.
Press “BUY”:
Follow the steps under “Get your License”:
Thank you, you are always very kind. You are right sometimes I forget that the forum is in English.
Thank goodness Google exists translate. Bye