MG3 has no input after changing audio interface on M2 Mac Mini

I went from a Tascam 2x2HR to a 4x4HR with the idea that I’d dedicate to MG3. I am connecting my guitar to Input 1, assuming I will use 3 and 4 for my analog mixer. I am able to hear the guitar through the interface (headphones directly plugged in). MG3 shows no response to the input. I recorded what I am seeing in the video below. What am I doing wrong?

MG-3 No Input After Changing the Audio Interface

Yes, MG3 is definitely not getting any input. You can check all interface connections and settings when you press the “More Options” button on the audio setup page. Maybe there you can find out why.

I replied on your video.

You folks were correct… I think there are some usability issues with this screen and the config process in general. Not sure how to solve for this, but it was unclear to me (and very technical user) what I didn’t properly set. Not being judgmental. I think this is brilliantly executed technology…

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