MG3 iOS guitar audio coming thru while using various plugins

I’m using the JOYO MOMIX CAB USB C going into a Generation 10 iPad successfully but the guitar audio persists. I tried using the Audio Bus 3 app but I don’t know what I’m doing with that app either so it has the same issue with the audio persisting.

So my question is how do I eliminate the guitar audio from coming thru? A monitoring issue maybe? I’m at a loss and turn to the forum after giving up trying to figure it out on my own.

Greetings. And hey, no worries about being new to any of it; we all start somewhere, and I at least (no expert myself!) have found this to be a pretty friendly crowd, from whom I have learned much. :nerd_face:

So I don’t happen to know this particular unit (presumably you’re talking about this), but the problem you’re describing certainly could be a direct monitor coming through along with wet playback from the device. It could also be something as simple as an unmuted channel (“Chain”) in MG3 itself. A third possibility is that you might be able to address this in Audiobus.

First: the device itself. In looking briefly at pictures of the MOMIX CAB, I don’t see an obvious monitor switch. For context, I myself often use the iRig USB interface, and it has a switch on the side that allows me to choose “FX” or “THRU” for the iRig’s outbound “to amp” jack; that either sends a 100% wet signal (which may contain no residual guitar sound) or a 100% dry signal (straight from the device’s input jack), respectively. My guess is that absent some sort of switch on your device itself, you might be able to use your control app to determine what does and does not get sent to the output jack. Keep in mind that it’s also possible that some devices may assume that you always want the source input to appear in the output, along with any wet signal. (That’s a whole different conversation.) But let’s try a couple of things before concluding that.

Second: MG3 Chains and Mixer. MG3 has three available signal Chains, each of which gets both the incoming guitar signal and the input tracker’s stream of MIDI note and MPE data, and makes all that available for further processing within the channel. The guitar sound will only “disappear” from a Chain when a virtual Instrument uses the MIDI note and MPE data to generate sounds of its own; these then replace the guitar sound with the Instrument sound. Relating to what you are asking about specifically, each of these Chains can either be muted by turning the chain off, or can effectively be mixed down to mute in the MG3 channel Mixer.

So, what can happen (I’ve been caught by this myself) is that you might have MG3 perfectly sending out an Instrument signal on the first Chain, with no guitar audio remaining in it, but the second and/or third Chain (even with no plugins configured) is still sending guitar signal to the Mixer, and thus is sending guitar signal in the final out.

Third: the control app, e.g. Audiobus. For full disclosure I have not had a chance to try MG3 on iOS yet (I don’t have an iPad that can run the beta, grr), but I have long used MG2 with Audiobus, and my idea here is based on that. If the idea is sound, it should work with MG3 as well!

Anyway, in Audiobus you should be able to send the input signal (guitar) to MG3 as a plugin, but not send that same guitar input to any outputs on its own. Within Audiobus, in the Audio section, you’d send the guitar input (the MOMIX CAB’s input) to MG3 as an “effect” (the middle slot of the Audiobus chain). Then, in the MIDI section of Audiobus, in the first/source slot of a chain, you’d send MIDI from MG3’s MIDI Out, to your Instrument (e.g., the Syntronik app) in the third/destination slot of the chain). Back in the Audio section, you can then send your Instrument (which will appear as a new source on a different path line than the one you set up originally) to an output (third/destination slot), but not send the input or MG3 itself to any output.

Now…that above idea is using MG3 only as a pure MIDI-tracker plugin (whose sole purpose is to supply a MIDI Out output, not audio), and may not strictly be necessary. MG3 may play just fine with Audiobus if you have MG3 Chains muted properly internally, and send MG3 itself to an audio output, but again I haven’t tried that yet. (Possibly, using MG3, you wouldn’t even need to configure anything on the MIDI section at all.) But, this might be a good diagnostic tool, if in this way alone: if you set up Audiobus in the above way and you are still getting guitar signal coming back, then you know that the MOMIX CAB itself is sending the input straight to the output.

Anyway, hopefully you find some of that helpful.

Two other thoughts. For my part, I’m glad you asked this question, as when I first went to look up your MOMIX CAB device, I instead wound up on the MOMIX Pro page, which is itself a product I hadn’t heard of before, and find rather intriguing, for a number of the ideas which run around so very…unrestrained in my head. :nerd_face: :

Also, if you don’t already know about it: if you are iOS-based, consider looking in to the QuantiLoop looping app. Without a doubt that is the best looper I have ever encountered, hardware or software, and (somewhat to my chagrin) it’s only iOS. It hasn’t been updated in a couple of years now, but even then, at $15, it’s magnificent value. One thing that truly pushes it over the top for me, is that it has a control for loop overdub decay, available to any of its tracks, and easily controllable in real time with a tabletop MIDI control surface.

Okay, I’ll shut up now. Happy musicking! :sunglasses:

If you search reviews on the MOMIX you will see many reports that the dry guitar signal is always present at the monitoring output. It seems too cheap to be good.

Ads for it popped up all over last week and I thought it might be a very competitively priced alternative to the iRig HD 2/HD X but many reports I came across indicated this direct monitoring issue, so many, in fact, that it would be fair to assume it’s not just user error.

But if you were using it as purely an input device and monitoring with a different audio device I guess it would be OK. But you can’t really do that on iOS/iPadOS when there’s no headphone jack on the device. Depends on your device’s specs.

True! Here in Thailand they sell it for 10USD. I’m always saying “who buys cheap, buys twice”!

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Then back to Amazon it goes.

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