Mac OS 15.2, M1 MacBookPro, Nuendo 13.0.4. Using iRig HD 2 as an interface ( USB )
Flying a little blind and not sure what is expected but when using the MG3 VST plug In version-
1: MG3 shows up as an insert plugIn in a Nuendo mono audio track. Nice. I can now add receiving VST instruments to the 3 Chains in MG3 and both hear and record the mix from MG3. Plays well for me!
2: Should I expect the MG3 plug in to present functional MIDI outputs to other tracks in Nuendo?
For instance, selecting MG3 MIDI out to to a Nuendo MIDI instrument track isn’t possible since it doesn’t appear as a source. I’d want to do this to record the MG3 chain to a track, and record MIDI data on another track.
If I create a Nuendo MIDI track I can see MG3 MIDI output listed as a source. But when the MG3 input track receives input it does not route any MIDI data to the Nuendo MIDI track. Thus any instrument connected to the MIDI track ( using the Nuendo VST Instrument Rack ) remains untriggered. ( monitor buttons are all activated ).
Let me know if I should only expect MG3 to work as a self-contained “insert” on a single track ( which btw is pretty neat!)