MG3 sending MIDI notes to audio interface / MIDI out problem

Hello ,I use MacBook sequoia mg3 standalone, but its not sending midi notes to my audio interface midi out,There are no any preference to let setup midi out ,input .on mg 2 it is very easy, you can setup midi in ,out similar as audio in,out

You can insert the MIDI Machine “MIDI Output” and select your audio interface there.
If you put it at the beginning of the chain you will still hear the VST in the chain. If you put it at the end only MIDI to the selected port will be routed and the VST in the chain is bypassed.

Thank you very much.I try but its still same problem.

Ah, yes. It’s always sending to a virtual midi output on Mac.

I’m curious what do you want to send midi to (end destination)?

End destination is my oudiointerface midi output.I want to connect to my korg wavestate.
om MIDI Guitar 2 its very easy

Ah ok. I put it on the todo-list.

Thank you very much!!!

I have never seen the “Sending MIDI to Midi Guitar Out” entry in the selection list. Can you select your audio interface in that list?
When you play do the strike and pressure indicators move?

It is a Mac thing! Everything moves as it should.

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indicators move, but I can’t select my audio interface(Universal Audio volt 476)there are no choice to select