MG3 VST plugin / all MIDI data send out to CH1? / Edit: not true > working as supposed!

I thought that MG3 is sending out the MIDI data on channel 2-7 (depending on the number of notes played) in MPE mode? In Cubase 13 that seems not to be the case. I can’t make “multi samplers” like Halion or Kontakt a sort of MPE capable when all information comes in on the same channel.

PS: as MIDI input source “Any” channel is selected

Thank you. It should certainly send notes out at multiple MIDI channels (2-7).

We’ll have look into this. My best guess it that it has to do with the VST3 => MPE translation. Im a bit puzzled since it works on the Mac version.

Hi @Dutti67

Did you change from “All MIDI inputs” to “MIDI Guitar 3 - MIDI Output” as well?

@LoFiLeiF , yes I did set the input to MG3 exclusively.

What I found out in addition is that if I select channel 3, the second note I play is transmitted. Selecting channel 4 the 3rd note, and so on.
That is how it should be. Just selecting “any channel” makes all notes be routed to channel 1 in cubase.

Are you using the VST2 or the VST3? The VST2 Is by default MPE enabled whereas there is still a problem with the VST3 format that doesn’t allow for this. In certain DAWs, like Abelton for instance, you can MPE-enable the actual plugin MG3 (VST) yourself, but all DAWs doesn’t allow for this, so my recommendation is to always use the VST2 plugin to begin with. But maybe you have, and this is really a difference from the Mac version?

Hello @LoFiLeiF , it was the VST3 version (since I don’t have a Halion 7 vst2 / I’ll check the Steinberg web site). I can confirm that it works fine on my iMac.

To be clear, I am asking about the MG3 plugin version.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. MG3 was the vst2 plugin.

Ah, OK! Now it is getting interesting. Then there actually seems to be a platform related difference for Cubase 13 and MG3. I got it to work for Mac, as you see in the DAW Guides. Let me check if I can duplicate your issue and I’ll get back to you.

I’m afraid that’s not necessary. I wanted to reproduce it again on my site and… it works! I don’t know what the difference is with yesterday’s attempt, except the time of day…


Well, there is still something fishy here! First of all, Steinberg doesn’t support the VST2 format anymore ( so the plugin you see in Cubase must be the VST3.

Second, I tried it (successfully) with Roli Equator 2 which is a dedicated MPE synth. It is also a good gauge because it tells me if something is up with the MPE messages:

Skärmavbild 2024-07-17 kl. 11.19.55
Skärmavbild 2024-07-17 kl. 11.19.28

Now, I don’t get any warnings from Equator, and polybends are working fine there, which is a sign that MPE works.

But if I change to some non-MPE instrument that should work with polybends, I get into trouble. GForce OB1 is one that works fine in MG3 (in Standalone) but where I can’t get polybends to work correctly in Cubase. But on the other hand, stuff like Orange Tree Samples “Boutique guitar” works fine in Kontakt with polybends. So I have to withhold any judgements as to degree of sucessrate we have with the combination MG3 in Cubase for a while.

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Thanks for sharing your findings. I’ll also try to collect further information of how Cubase handles my VST’s.

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I found that the free version of Ample Sound’s “Ample Guitar M Lite v2.31” works also well in regard to polybends, either with MG3 standalone or in a DAW via MG3 MIDI output control. If someone is interested in a good sounding acoustic and/or a bass guitar I can recommend the two free instruments found here:

The only thing I’m not a 100% satisfied is the retrigger scheme of notes when sliding up and down one note on the fretboard. It’s a bit too harsh for my taste and I have not found any “adjustment screw” yet. Hammer on and pull offs are acceptable. Both of course has nothing to do with MG3.


I love the Amplesounds instruments, and especially the basses for some reason. I would agree that their guitars’ dynamics are a little clunky when used straight out of the box with MIDI guitar. And there are some issues with the polybends that I actually have tried contacting the company about. Try playing a double stop, and then bending one of the ringing notes. Sometimes you get that to work, but at least half of the times I get no bending action. I works to a way higher percentage if you separate the notes beforehand, even just a little. So there is something up with their interpretation of polybends that isn’t a 100 %. Also, I can get a wierd noise if I play two notes and bend one of those two semitones up. These are relly small issues, but I would love to see true MPE with these instruments because of how great they sound.


I have an almost opposite question.
I understand that mg3 is all about polybends, and that’s most exciting stuff right now. and it works for me in Arturia VST plugins.

However, some plugins do not support MPE or setting it up is very complex. For these plugins I want to use old-style bends, (polyphonic notes but non-poly non-MPE bend).

MG3 does not seem to send bends at all, only mpe “slides”. At least I do not see any pitchbend data with Ableton MIDI monitor, and non-plugins do not react to bends.

How to use poly notes with non-poly bends?

@ignis32 , following screenshot shows you were to select non MPE MIDI mode. Clicking on the field, or “scrolling” with the mouse. This can also be changed in the MIDI output module of the MG3 plugin.


That’s kind of funny I missed that “MIDI MPE” button is clickable, considering that I was changing bend range. I tought it was a header of some sort. Thanks a lot!