MG3HEX Setup (Chords)

I am testing MG3HEX standalone with chords on a rainy day so it makes perfect for lush pads and some evolving stuff. I am observing the following with 3.0.55 :

GATE level does not go back to ‘0’ or all left side of the GATE knob.
It picks up the strum and goes ‘up’ or left to right and then remains there…
This creates a sort of ‘drunk’ keyboardist syndrome when I release my fingers from the fretboard. Pitch goes down. I am sure I am making some setup mistake… can you help? I remember at some point there was a description of the new Dynamic Knob (HEX) and about the stats on the side (Latency and %) but I cannot find it. Can you link it?

As said in other posts I am using MG3 for solos mainly and now that MG3HEX has landed I am into using it with chords and sustain pedal trying all possible setups and sounds (Zebra here. My understanding is that it might depend on the Zebra Patch itself). I take care of the glide setting and no bends, MIDI Classic) but this behavior happens in all patches and with Podolsky and Triplecheese (freeware uhe).

Check the pitch bend range. If it’s set to 2 but your instrument expects 48 it can be the reason.

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What about the GATE not returning to zero? Is that normal?

Yes, in MG3Hex the gate has a slightly different function as just a gate and probably integrates events. It will return to zero when you change the setpoint.

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