MIDI Guitar 2 and the TEControl BBC2 Breath controller - explaining that mouth thing

MIDI guitar 2 is in itself a very competent tool when it comes to working with MIDI. But adding a breath controller to the mix takes everything to another level altogether.


Aah, that mouth thing is now making almost complete sense. Many thanks for that.

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I’m writing this mainly to point out that I’ve listened to Stefano Lucato’s demo which is technically flawless, but after listening to @LoFiLeiF , I hear keyboard playing and not a woodwind instrument at all in the official demo… Maybe I’m not objective, but I don’t find any realism in it and it’s not because Thorleif uses a breath controller, it’s only the way of thinking about playing the instrument that makes the difference.

I am tempted by the Swam sax tenor plugin but being on PC, it costs 230€ because you have to buy the 4 woodwinds plugins, while on ios the sax tenor is sold separately 29€…
I hope there will be a separate version for PC available one day, I am currently very limited on the free sax plugins I use. :grimacing:


I haven’t seen you use it with a piano vst, or does it not work well with piano virtual instruments?

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Use a breath controller for a piano? I can control dynamics pretty good with picking, so I haven’t seen that as something to explore really. But to each his own, and I guess you can use the breath controller (bite sensor) to change octaves perhaps. There are of course so much possibilities once you start thinking about it, but no I guess I haven’t used it for piano dynamics (if that was what you were asking about). But it is certainly doable! :+1:

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I’m just wondering if that’s a good way to control the velocity or would it just sound too unrealistic, couldn’t really find a video of someone playing piano with a breath controller

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In my humble opinion, it wouldn’t be realistic (if that is what you are looking for). But that is no argument against experiments. Sometimes you strike gold just breaking all the rules. :+1:

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