I use "midi guitar 2 version 2.1.1
I want to get MIDI data from midigutar 2 audio FX, but don’t know how to do it, hope the forum can guide me.
Thank you.
I played note G2 on my electric guitar, saw the signal in TEST PIANO, tried recording in CAKEWALKT, but only received analog data… I want to have midi data down to midi track 2, how do I reset it?[quote=“Phiet, post:1, topic:9093, full:true”]
I use "midi guitar 2 version 2.1.1
I want to get MIDI data from midigutar 2 audio FX, but don’t know how to do it, hope the forum can guide me.
Thank you.
I played note G2 on my electric guitar, saw the signal in TEST PIANO, tried recording in CAKEWALKT, but only received analog data… I want to have midi data down to midi track 2, how do I reset it?
this reddit post may provide some guidance:
Make sure to enable the MIDI output under the “VST2” dropdown menu of MG2 in Cakewalk:
For the MIDI track input select “MIDI Omni” under “All Inputs” if no specific MIDI channel is desired and was selected in MG2.
Now it should record the MIDI output (enable “monitor” on both tracks)
Hello : kimyo , Slider , Dutti67
Thank you for your guidance.
I have adjusted : “Enable MIDI output” in audio FX “MIDI Guitar 2 VST2 plugin” and in MIDI track 2 , I have defined INPUT = All Input = OMNI
I have got the desired result.
Thank you again
I hope you guys can help me with this:
In a project there are: 2 MG2 plugin tracks (enable midi output) and 2 Midi tracks.
2 MG2 tracks have audio in 2 Profire 610_ 1 and 2 ports.
These 2 ports are from 2 guitars. So it will give 2 different MIDI signals.
I tried many times to get 2 MIDI tracks, but it didn’t work.
I hope there is an option? presets? …to help…Run 2 MG2 plugins at the same time.
___Ask you guys: “PATCH” in MG2, how can I make “PATCH” appear again every time I open it as I specified?
Thank you guys.
To run more than one instance of MG2/3 in cakewalk seems impossible (at least I also had no success). In other DAW’s (Cubase / Waveform) this is no problem.
Thanks Dutty67, a bit sad with CAKE
___in a project can I save "1 PATCH defined by MG2?
it usually appears with PATCH default…do I always have to adjust when running another project?
___Do you know where to guide me to learn MG2 thoroughly? MG2’s “HELP” is too sketchy.
Thank you
Double click in the Cakewalk plugin window which shows “No Preset” and add your current preset by typing a name. If you now save your project and re-open it the new preset is loaded. MG2 will still display “Default” but the settings of the previous saved preset are loaded.
This is DAW specific.
Thank Dutty67 very much