MIDI GUITAR 3.0.51 BETA update

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Ah ha! Didnā€™t scroll down enough. Thank you!

Beginning at 3.0.50 I started having unusable levels of latency. I installed 30.0.51 last night and the issue is still there and maybe worse. This was the first time I noticed the message about using one interface exclusively for MG3. I have tried several interfaces all with the same result. Changing buffer sizes has no effect.

Is there a prefs file I could edit or delete to fix this?

Thanks for such amazing work!

Since it wont run with large buffer sizes, there is really no way it can have high latency other than if you have a low input gain and/or high GATE in the MG3 module?

There hasnā€™t been any change to the tracking or elsewhere that can cause this, so it must be related to your setup. Perhaps something about your computers audio drivers?

Indeed, I did a second install on a mac mini M1 with a PreSonus interface and all is super low latency. Iā€™ll need to try some things on my laptop to diagnose since I use it most. It is a 2020 i7 mac running OS14.5 and a Native Instruments interface. Oddly, I have no latency issues in other applications like Guitar Rig or others. Maybe I should uninstall MG3 and start fresh?

Hereā€™s a further update. I fired up MG2 and had no latency issues but was still having them on MG3 even if I removed all the plugins. Then it hit meā€¦. I use a program called ā€œLoopbackā€ for creative routing. MG3 was going through it as a virtual i/o. I removed MG3 from loopback and the latency is gone! Whewā€¦. I am enjoying MG3 so much and know I have only scratched the surface of what it can do. Thank you!!

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The current versions of Loopback 2 and SoundSource 5 have issues. SoundSource is unusable due to the latency it introduces to the signal chain and Loopback is causing all sorts of problems with aggregate devices due to its tendency to randomly reset itself/core audio. Rogue Amoeba know of the issues.

But, you can use Loopback with ā€œMute Original Audioā€ (I canā€™t remember what the wording is exactly) deactivated to funnel signals to recordings with a bit of latency (I measured just under 50ms) and adjust it later. Itā€™s only really an issue if you monitor it at the Loopback endpoint.

This led me to recently experiment with BlackHole virtual audio driver (donationware) and itā€™s really tight, a little less intuitive/flexible than Loopback but seems rock solid for moving audio around.

Thanks! Thatā€™s great information to have. I used Loopback 1 lots but have not really found much use since V2. I find myself accomplishing most of what I might need with "Audio Hijackā€ also from Rogue Amoeba since I host a couple of Shoutcast streams also, I will sure check out BlackHole. I appreciate the advice!