MIDI GUITAR 3.0.51 BETA update

MIDI GUITAR 3.0.51 BETA is here (for Mac at least).

  • MIDI BASS 3: Polyphonic & MPE. This is not usable yet, but I want to to be transparent about the state of its development and include it in the update.

  • MIDI GUITAR 3 HEX: A new technology, add-on, for hexaphonic guitar systems. More information here.

  • String separation, exclusive to MIDI GUITAR HEX, works across all MG3 modules (audio and MIDI).

  • Unification: In order to keep MIDI CELLO/VIOLIN and MIDI BASS updated with the latest fixes and featues, and avoid releasing dozens of plugins at every BETA update, we have simply put all four products (MG, MGHEX, MB, MC) inside the MIDI GUITAR 3 app/plugins for now. It’s easy to switch among them.

  • And of course, lots of bugfixes, including:

      Keyboard navigation in menus (pageup/pagedown/home/end)
      UI in menus scales with the number of UI rows
      Multithreading/CPU usage improvements. Automatic threading by default.
      CPU Meter shows whether its utilising 1 or 2 CPU cores.
      Some modules are now in a new Tools category
      - POLY TUNER improved 
      - New CHORD NAME module which infers chord names in real time
      Some module UIs now render directly in CHAINs to save screen estate.
      Improved some misleading audio interface error messages
      Fixed potential crash bug when closing the app with some audio interfaces
      When applying audio device settings, warn about feedback loops
      Warn if using MG3 module with more than one input channel
      Save the state of the MG3 polyphonic/monophonic/expressive
      Save the state of the MC input gain and gate
      Save the foot switch state on external audio effect modules.
      Save the foot switch state on the LEGATO module
      Prevent making cables among MIXER pan and sliders
      Fixed issue with stuck notes in the MIDI DEVICE module
      Fixed issue with JX10 and DX10 synths
      Trial interruption dialog is dependent on which tracker is used
      Windows installer is signed by Microsoft

Thank you to everyone testing!

Downloads are at the beta page.



First let me say; Thnx so much for V3!!

@JamO But… Tried to download 3.0.51 and the dowload PKG is still 3.0.50…



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Yeah… the same for me … i downloaded from the updated link … but i’m still seeing the
MG3 Version 3.50?

Sorry. Fixed the link.

HI … Yeah thanks… i’ve just re downloaded the new MG3 version 3.51 … just one question though …
i’ve checked out the the new ‘Tracker Selection’ and the bass & violin trackers are not operational as yet … any approximation on when they will be functional … also i’ve noticed that every time i set the GUI size in Logic Pro X… it alway’s goes back to the standard GUI size when opening a work in progress session/new session!

P.s why is the ‘Poly Tuner’ now blacked out?

MIDI BASS and CELLO are not quite useful yet, but they are in there so that we can make tests and gather feedback, and be transparent about their development. I can’t give you any sensible estimate, sorry.

Thanks. I got the window sizing on my list.

Poly Tuner is fine, if you play something :slight_smile:

Hi… Many Thanks for the quick reply, reg. ‘MIDI BASS and CELLO’ and also looking into the ‘GUI’ resize issue. Do you intend to eventually add the Tracker selection (button/drop down) within the interface … rather than having to hit the ‘Cog/preference wheel’ to acquire them in a future update … it would be much more user friendly to have it where its more easily accessible i believe.
Anyway thanks for all the great work your doing with MG3 … Its an amazing piece of software and all your advanced programming, co-operation and research is greatly appreciated … Bless!

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Had it running a few hours and very few issues. But something isn’t quite right about the audio devices. A few times when changing the sample rate the interface blacked out. Can’t quite put my finger on it but it works after another try.

Just downloaded and started playing with this latest update. I’m on Windows 10, Surface Pro 4 (which was struggling with the first version CPU wise). First let me say my computer is much happier with CPU load on 3.0.51, solidly hovering around 25% where before it would occasionally jump to about 75% and crackle. The vst overdrive effect I was using used to lose its cc spiderweb on relaunch, not any more.and I love the new polytuner module. However I’m still getting a " Can’t load JX 10 AM Synth" error message if I change the preset inside the JX 10 AM Synth and save as a new patch. Altogether I’m at about 8/10 on this latest version. Loving it, thank you.

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Thank you, Maximum. What you observe is that it’s now better to split the work on two CPU cores, which is more efficient indeed. I forgot about that JX10 issue. Will fix it!

I use a different tuner plugin but I’m a bit disappointed for other users: this polytuner is very small, you can’t enlarge it and it lacks precision. Useless live when several meters away.

Oh, ok. I thought it was neat it just sits there in the chain, but lets make an option to make it bigger and smoothen out the pitch over time for more accuracy (right now its as fast as the tracking, which isn’t ideal)

If nobody else complains about it, leave it as it is, as I said before, I don’t use it :wink:

This is not the case for me: since the first version of MG3, the cpu load is always the same and very high (identical for the plugin and the standalone):

MG3: cpu 30% and frequency at 4.20 GHz.

MG2: cpu 4% and frequency 0.9 GHz.

With MG3, the ventilation is noisy and annoying.

The expressive tracking is indeed more CPU intensive, but you can use the MG2 tracking (polyphonic no-bends) although it doesnt have mono-bends like MG2 at the moment.

It’s also possible it’s because of the GPU. In this case it will help to close the VST window in a DAW.

We’ll look into optimisations, but it should run cool and quiet on newer hardware as it is now.

Might be because I use the stand alone only right now.

Minor issue, I’m on Windows 10, both VST and standalone:
I can add a tool (poly tuner or cord name) to a CHAIN but I can not remove it from the CHAIN.

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@ElectroFuzz I had the same problem, though on Mac. I solved it by grabbing the slot with the umwanted plugin and dragging it outside the plugin list.

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Thanks, that workaround did it.
Still all slots in the CHAIN should behave the same way.

Eager to try the MG 3 for Guitar beta but links aren’t working for me. The 3.0.51 BETA link is dead (all links are dead) - not clickable. What am I doing wrong.
