Midi guitar 3 + Behringer FCB 1010 audio recording troubles (Studio One)

Hello everyone, I am trying to record MIdi Guitar 3 patch on audio track with midi command from Behringer FCB 1010 in Studio One (see photo). I hear all changes I manage during playing, but these
midi commands (such as expression or filters) are not recorded on audio track. Does somebody have the solution for this problem? Thanks in advance.

I’m not a Studio One user but wouldn’t you want to save MIDI data on a MIDI track, not audio?

I assume that any audible changes you made to the filter (via your FCB1010) while recording are not recorded on the track, right?
I tried this in Cubase and it works fine. Not knowing Studio One, I can’t offer any pointers as to where to look for the root cause, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem caused by MG3.

Via MG3 AU at start of video. Via MG3 VST starts at 3:18.

Oh, it’s intresting. Do I understand that you manage your realtime midi data for particular patch and it’s midi data is recorded on your audio track? If so - would you be so kind to explane me in detail (step by step) how do you manage this. Cubase in not problem for me - I have this one on my mac too. Thanks in advance.

I guess I misunderstood your question. I thought that your recorded audio didn’t reflect the parameter changes you did while you recorded the track.
Are you asking for a solution to record the midi commands sent from the FCB1010 to a VST inside MG3?

Yes, I’m asking for a solution to record the midi commands sent from the FCB1010 to a VST inside MG3.
More exactly, during pIaying vsti’s MG3 patch everything sounds fine - I hear all midi data changes I’m producing. And during recording I hear the same -all right. But after recording -during playback - I hear “plain” sound without expression ,filtres changes and so on that I had produced via midi pedalboard. These midi data are not rercorded on audio track. That’s a problem.

But what would you like to achieve at the end? Having recorded midi events (that is not possible the way you try it), or an audio track which has the changes you did during recording included (but not changeable anymore)?

@kotroj I’m a little confused by your post but I think you are probably hearing the recorded DI guitar signal from your audio track playing back through MG3 (probably with a plugin hosted in MG3) but failing to record MIDI control data into a separate MIDI track.

At the minimum, MG3 needs an audio signal to create MIDI note on/off data to drive a synthesizer. Additionally, if you plan to control that synth’s parameters via MIDI you need a MIDI signal from your controller. (Or a modulator source in MG3).

So, it seems your audio signal is arriving at the MG3 plugin, either as you play or from the recorded version of that performance and is being recorded correctly.

Data from your MIDI controller is also reaching MG3 when you perform but you can only hear parameters change during your performance and not upon playback, because the MIDI is not being captured when you record.

I suggest the solution is to record your MIDI controller data to a MIDI track and route that MIDI back to MG3 upon playback of your recorded track.

I’m primarily an Ableton Live user, but recording and operation principles should be very similar from DAW to DAW. So please let us know if this helps.

as you hear your modulation while you’re playing you cannot be recording the same audio output you are monitoring.

could you be recording the raw guitar input and not the post-mg3 audio? then, upon playback, that audio would trigger equator, but expression input would not be retained.

audio files will never contain midi information.

To record the MG3 output (including changes you do via the footcontoller) you need to do the following:

  1. Add an audio track with MG3 as VST insert and do your settings.
  2. Add a FX track and route the output of the previous created audio track as input to the FX track. Set the output to “no bus” in order to avoid doubled output signals
  3. Add a second audio track and select the FX track as input and the stereo out as output. Switch on the monitor button.

Now you can record the “processed” MG3 output on that track.

If you want to record the MIDI commands a different setup is needed. If you want to do that just let me know.

I suggest the solution is to record your MIDI controller data to a MIDI track and route that MIDI back to MG3 upon playback of your recorded track.
Dear Mr Vautnaemsae, I would be deeply grateful if you would declare to me how to do it (step by step, using the Ableton).
Thanks in advance

in ableton create two audio tracks.

put mg3 on track1.

route the output of track1 to track2. make sure both are set to ‘in’.

this setup will record the effected output into a wav file.

i do not think you want separate tracks for midi and expression, but if so you will need to create a third midi track and set its input to track1.

record on all three and you will have 1) the raw audio BEFORE it hits mg3 2) the post-mg3 audio which includes expression and 3) the midi (notes and expression).

to play the midi file, put your synth on that track and set it to ‘off’. depending on your ableton version, you may need to disable mpe in mg3 before recording.

but try the two track option first, i think it will give you what you want.

What Kimyo wrote is correct. But there are various ways to skin the MG3 cat!

Consider that your performance feeding MG3 is composed of direct audio data generated by your instrument and MIDI generated by your MIDI controller. Both streams need to be present for the performance to be replicated.

MG3 processes those two streams and you end up with your final audio stream.

Please bear in mind that MG3 has its own “invisible” MIDI input port that receives MIDI from wherever you have selected — in your screenshot “Any MIDI Controller” is the source. CC#01, CC#11 and CC#12 are being received and distributed to parameters here.

So, in addition to your existing audio track with MG3 instantiated, I’d add a MIDI track with the input set to receive MIDI from your controller. DO NOT send that MIDI back to MG3 while recording, only send during playback! Otherwise you’ll have a duplicate stream.

You could also set the MG3 patchbay to “No Input” and reroute the incoming MIDI track data to the audio track. Only the MIDI track will record your controller’s moves but the data will always be available to MG3 during recording or playback.

Yes, it worked with Ableton 12, thanks a lot! I tried to do the same trick with Studio One and Logic Pro X , but it failed couse couldn’t find in Studio One output drop-down menu such the possibility for to route the output of track1 to track2. In Logic Pro such trick (with routing output of track 1 to track 2 ) did not work.
Anyway everyone a lot of thanks and good luck!

This is why you need a “dummy FX” track in Cubase since you can’t route the output of one audio track to another. To me it seems that you have all possible DAW’s but lacking the basics.

I tried to follow your recomendation on Cubase but anfortunately with MG3 glitch happend -it demanded to swith to128 from 512 latency though I had 128. That’s why I couldn’t take your advice (I mean Cubase), but thank you for that response. The main thing is that the problem has been solved. God bless you. I wish you creativity, health and luck. Thanks again.

Can’t you do that with a bus channel in Logic Pro?

Thanks for advice (i mean bus channel).I solved this problem with Logic as well as Studio one. Thank you very much to all of you. Topic is closed.