MIDI Guitar 3 beta for iOS is now available!

In this page instead of saying purchased for mg2 it had a 30 dollar price tag

Yes, that could be, but you havent been charged.

So far this is working very well, using iPad connected to a Quad Cortex. Any idea if notes lower than E2 will be functional eventually? Currently down tuned and would like to avoid a drop off. Thanks!

I cannot believe that the long-anticipated iOS beta has now dropped…and I don’t have access to an iPad that will run it. GAAH! Just my luck.

(Please forgive the obvious grown-up whining. This stage in life has me seriously pinching pennies, and I have known that this sort of day would come at some point, where I’d start to feel the need to update to a new device. I just didn’t see it coming that it would be all at once, with the one thing I’d most want to do on an iPad!)

Anyway, I’m nonetheless tickled witless to see the iOS Beta drop, and now I need to see what I can do to get into a new device to start working it out. My big interest BTW is to use MG3 in conjunction with the QuantiLoop iOS looper app, which is far and away the best looper I’ve used for what I want to do, and which is only available on iOS.

I look forward to trying MG3 both in standalone mode and as a plugin. (I’ve used MG2 hosted in Audiobus for several years now, on iOS, and have been very happy with it that way, but MG3 has been proving itself to be such a useful host on Mac that I’ve been wanting to try it that way as well. We’ll see. And of course, as a guitarist, once you hear the MPE coming from your hands in MG3, you just don’t want to go “back” to MG2!

Anyway, interest level is extremely high here, but I gotta sort things out before I can dig in. :slight_smile:


Using Beta on M1 iPad and iPhone 15 pro max. Settled on Camelot Pro to host. The iPhone was too small and the notch was annoying. Using irig2 into a usb c bridge. Charging while playing causes a hum so I just unplug the charger.

So far I like how it response to finger picking on my Yamaha nylon Silent Guitar. EP and other keyboard AUv3 are working well. I prefer to use a separate scene for each instrument as I have different adjustments for each.

I also use an electric acoustic baritone ukulele for the banjo sound in ThumbJam. TJ is an IAA so it is in stand alone and I use the CPro midi out plugin.

Also use a PiezoBarrel pick up on my clarinet to control SWAM sounds.

Only reported one issue with MG3 stand alone. Some AUv3 after installation can not be removed. It turns out it was user error. Figured out that you have to turn the sound off and then drag it out of the chain.

I am getting a lot of help from LoFiLeaf on Patreon.

Would like an update about what has not been implemented. Would like more documentation about how to use the various midi machines.

Wish someone would create guitar lessons using MG3.

Hey Markus, Just saw this, and at only $51 it’s amazing value. Unfortunately it’s only Quad, not Hex. But, it is small and inexpensive multi channel A/D, so perhaps this would be a good company to produce/manufacture your HEX box design? https://share.temu.com/Qnz4ZoMiCWC

Hello Erol, thanks for sharing the information and for thinking about the HexBox.
Out of pure interest, I bought a two-channel audio interface (29 USD) from one of these “cheap” manufacturers a few months ago.
I expected the device to be useless and that’s exactly how it was. You don’t need “ms” to describe latency, seconds are more meaningful.
The HexBox PCB components alone are more expensive to buy than the retail price of this four-channel interface.
I hope this will pay off in the end and we will achieve better results.


ya, you get what you pay for. Can’t wait for the new box! and for MG3 iOS to get Hex input!


I take it that a 7th generation is a
old iPad?
Flashing message that my cpu can’t keep up.
Edit… running 18.1
CPU graph shows maybe 20% of 2 CPU’s

Anyone have a method to use MG3 in Cubasis on iPad to control an auv3 synth? I feel like I’m missing something as I’ve had no luck this far. I’m assuming the new version can work within a DAW to do this without having to use standalone as in MG2?

I’m excited for this new version!

You are right, I can’t manage it either. Also not within Logic as a plugin. In both cases it works only when the standalone version is open in parallel.

Thank you. I will look into this.

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Thanks so much. In response to dutt67, I haven’t t even been able to use the standalone to send midi into Cubasis. Could be user error :sweat_smile:

That works pretty much straight forward. Select the “MIDI Guitar Mini” patch and any synth within Cubasis. The only odd thing is that you must enable “record” on the instrument track to make it sounding.

Standalone definitely sends MIDI to Cubasis (or any similar app) without issue.

Thank you. Got the standalone into Cubasis working now.

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Found issue… turned input to 4 on input and cpu warning seldom came up. Went from interduction to
Midi Guitar Mini, works now. Btw the input was higher with the default setting.
Thanks for getting it out now I can see what it’s all about.