Hello good evening! I had some questions about using midi guitar 3 hex. First of all its a dream come true and the work done is so fantastic! My first issue is I cant get the standalone version to output midi into my daw ableton. Even when choosing midi machines and midi output on the master chain. I get all the options of devices I have plugged in but no virtual outputs? I am on windows 10. And my second issue is I cant activate with my lisence. I have it on 2 computers and I cant activate with my midi guitar 2 lisence. fully. I type in my email that I used. I get the code. I copy it and then i get the option to activate but it sorta freezes or something? Then it asks me to type it in again?
mg3 doesn’t create a virtual port on windows. loopbe or bome will solve this.
which version of ableton?
mg3hex requires a separate license from mg2/3 standard.