Midi guitar hex how to get in

Hello, I’ve been using midi guitar 3 for the last couple of months and it has really motivated me to produce music. My guitar is not setup at all but still responds well. The only thing that is a bit underwhelming is that when I play a four note chord is that they all get tracked but immediately cancel each other out. I managed to more or less fix this with the infinite sustainer but I don’t have a device to deactivate it when u don’t need it. Will midi guitar hex improve chord tracking? And how do I get into it? I see myself using midi guitar for as long as it will be supported. Will I see improvements if I upgrade to the hex version?

Soon I will be able to afford a gp-10 with the gk-3

Is it worth the upgrade?

I seriously believe this software is extremely valuable for guitar players.

Yes the HEX solves all the chord issues.
I just got into it, I love it.

GK-3, I built a direct break out cable that goes into a multi channel audio interface.(no GP-10 needed)
I purchased a soon to be discontinued Scarlett 18i20 3rd generation, you can pick one up now for half price since everybody is making room for the 4th generation.
I got mine from Thomann shipped to the US.

The reason I went with a direct cable solution is that I am on a PC and having two ASIO devices is a no go. I was told that you can still do it with ASIOforALL driver but I am very happy with the Scarlett driver (paired with Reaper I can go down to 16 samples without any problems)

More info about the direct break out cable:

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Nice, good to hear it improves the tracking of chords.

Awesome job!
will the bill bax cable work too? So it’s just the breakout cable, the pick up and the interface?
Just checked online and the gp 10 is going up in price. I can’t get the focusrite interface, I will have to go with the behringer one it’s almost half the price than the one you mentioned.

The Bill Bax cable should work just fine. (don’t forget you still need a power supply solution, ask Bill, he has a few)
I do not have any experience with Behringer audio interfaces, just make sure it has 6 or better yet 8 inputs. (6 for the hex, the rest for your regular guitar line and… a mic for singing?)

when looking at audio interfaces, most people are concerned with the quality of the preamps and the a/d convertors.

but for mg3 the quality of the sound is secondary. what really matters is the speed and stability of the drivers.

unfortunately there’s no way to be sure that an interface will do the job without using it. if your vendor allows returns that’s optimal.

i’d bet a tasty sandwich that the reason for this is mg3hex.

Thank you! Understood. Once I get the money I’ll ask Bill.

Oh so the interface influences how mg works.
Yes I think so too, I wished I would have bought it 3 months ago. Oh well. Thanks for the insight!