MIDI Guitar is a grate tool for line but ---

A couple of days ago I purchased MIDI guitar. It’s a fantastic tool. Exellent polyphony, almost no latecy (128 bits works fine), A lot of options and grate funcitonality, but to good stops here. If you are unlucky like me and you are using Samplitude, Sequoia (and may be other stuff as well…) there is no way to get midi out of the track were audio & midi guitar are in. I have tried everything.(MIDI in-out using virtual midi works fine) I found a couple of VSTi that support midi out and … nothing happened. Monitoring with midi -OX shows no midi messages at all. And is geting worst:
OK, let’s try to to use the standaone MIDI guitar:
There is no way to get the sound from DAW to MIDI guitar. Input is fixed:
only ASIO and analog 1,2. virrtual audio cable repeater does non help either.
So the only options I have are:

  1. perform live with standalone app or
  2. In DAW with audio recording and that’s all. No midi You can edit the audio file, but this is not solution.
    If adding midi routing is not posible, then the best work-around is to add an option to play an audio file in the standalone version.Then you can direct the midi out to any port and start midi recording in DAW. Midi editing is essential for composition, for me at least.
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I would love to help you here, but it seem there is no Mac specific version to demo of Samplitude (which feels rather odd at this point in time). But there are in fact a few DAWs that have problems with passing on MIDI MPE that is created on an audio track. So it is at least not unheard of. And trying to be fair to any (smaller) software developers like JamOrigin, we can’t really demand of them to be the provider a the solution for cases like this.

So if it in fact is the case that Samplitube can’t forward MIDI from an AUDIO track, it is clearly up to Samplitude to provide a solution (add MIDI Routing from Audio tracks) if they want to keep up with the competition.

There is already such an option with the “Backing Tracks” But you can’t loop it back into the tracker, and the tracker is not a module you can put anywhere.

Would it not be worth to consider another DAW if this feature is essential to your workflow?

details on your os and version of samplitude may help, but i don’t believe i’ve ever seen a samplitude user post here.

also describe your objectives, for instance, you seem to want midi tracks which can be edited.

in this case, if samplitude’s midi handling cannot be addressed, then an option is to record your midi files using other tools and import them in.

a brief bit of googling seems to show there is little to no support from magix and the focus of the product is more on mastering and cinema than ‘typical’ audio use.

You are correct, Samplitude (and Sequoia) has less than other DAWs support for midi. I asked Magix about this issue, but I got no responce. Samplitude indeed is best for mastering and not for audio use. But I like the ‘‘old fashion’’ interface, it fits better to my needs and also it handles audio and VST sound better than Cubase (wich it’s good for midi editing but with a lot of crashes, bad vst plugin manager and even worse support). Anyway the request remains:
I’would be nice to have more options for input in standalone version. (e.g. KS and MME). In this case somebody can play a guitar audio file and convert it to midi. Even better is the ability to load the audio file into Midi Guitar.
For now I have a work around:
I have install the VB-Audio Matrix witch is a very powerfull tool for audio routing. Creating virtual IO and virtual ASIO interfaces gives a lot of routing options. So:
Samplitude —> VB-Matrix VASIO-8 → routing to focusrite monitor,
Midi Guitar <— from VB-Matrix VASIO-8 (guitar sound from Samplitude)
Midi Guitar → virtual midi port 1 ----> 2nd track midi recording (Samplitude plays audio on track 1 and records midi on track 2)
I will search soon for another DAW that fits better to midi options.

You are right, it’s worth to consider another DAW for this case.
The request: “option to play an audio file in the standalone version”
has to do with the audio devices implementation. So I consider
MME support for windows audio is essential. If this is too much
for a small company like JamOrigin, I can live without this option.
By the way thanks to JamOrigin. Midi guitar is a great evolution!
(I had use roland’s midi interface for guitar in the past. Even with
todays PC this interface had latecy big enough to spoil the party. 20 years ago
price was about 700$ !!)

I am not sure I understand what this means, to be honest?

You CAN play an audio file in the standalone version.

I you want the standalone version to “listen” to a recorded audio file, and you want to be able to play a file INTO the MG3 application, I can’t imagine there isn’t a software like Loopback (Mac) existing for PC as well.

I just tried this very setup feeding MG3 QT files via Loopback, triggering a bunch of stuff with no issues.

So it is not a question about whether it works or not in absolute terms. It does. But perhaps not for every kind of setup?

But here I am going to ask for help from the community’s PC users. Surely there is some software out there also for PC that can hijack and send audio back into MG3?

Ps. I have given a pretty significant chunk of my earnings of the years to Roland as well, so I know all too well where you are coming from. :wink::money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:


Thanks again for your time.
I see the point, but I have Midi Guitar 2 not 3.
Midi Guitar 3 is in beta state, can I use it for free?
Meanwhile I did a small research for other DAWs and I found that the best for midi routing (and value for money) is Cockos Reaper, Midi Guitar and Midi routing works fine there. All I need is a simple project as template and that’s it! Anyway it was an good oportunity to learn some extra things :slight_smile:
PS: the good thing with Roland Is the guitar I had to buy for this : Godin electro-classic with midi out and audio…fantastic instrument. I use it up to now…


Sure you can. just check out the downloads section of the beta page:


I’m not sure if this will be useful for your purposes, but it’s possible. I haven’t experimented with it.

You’ve probably tried setting up MG2 on a PC, in Cakewalk. In the Settings of this DAW: Playback and Recording - Driver Mode (here, in the first line of the drop-down list, after ASIO, you can select MME (32 bits)).

But, as LoFiLeiF answered you in the comment above, for MG2 to function, both in Cakewalk and in other DAWs, LoopMIDI (or an alternative driver) must be installed on a PC or laptop.

In my case, with the ASIO driver from Line 6 installed and the POD Studio UX2 interface, everything works without failures and any glitches! The only thing is, as I already mentioned at the beginning, I did not install the MME 32 (bit) driver mode in Cakewalk, so I’m not sure if this information will help you.

Surely there is some software out there also for PC that can hijack and send audio back into MG3?

For MG3, I don’t know yet, but for MG2 installed on a PC or laptop, this is the free LoopMIDI driver. Although, maybe I didn’t quite understand your question correctly?

LoopMIDI hijacks and send Audio too?

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No, I don’t know about such a possibility. But I think that Loop MIDI should be installed for correct operation of MG2 in DAW, in any case.
And most likely I didn’t quite understand your question correctly and sorry!

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No problem! I was discussing a highly unorthdox way of feeding MG3 with a prerecorded audio file (or some non-guitar input source), as per the second part of the OP’s option2 above.

There is a technical solution, but it is not generally how we would go about things of course. Then you would have to also send the MIDI to a DAW of course, and that is the place for LoopMIDI as far as I can see it.

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