MIDI Notes - but a FIXED Velocity - Please

My request is to have an optional setting - where the user can have a constant - specified volume, and NOT use the software’s sensors (for lack of a better word) to determine the velocity.
So… I have a setting to use the existing software to sense or determine the velocity -OR- I can set the velocity to a set /constant value like 95 (or whatever the user sets it to)

WHY??? Many users taking the converted MIDI notes and playing 3rd party plugin synths. They can control the volume coming out of the synth much easier - and get a more consistent volume than they can with their guitar playing.

IMPORTANT - I describe this as optional, because some guitar players would rather control the volume with their playing. But others (myself included) don’t … I prefer to use my volume pedal or expression pedal and manage the volume coming out of the synth.


You can download “VeloScaler”, a free plugin from CodeFN42, to achieve what you desire.

Note velocity and volume are two different things. Note velocity effects not only the volume but also the note character in most virtual instruments.

Use the MODULATORS. You don’t have to use the STRIKE MODULATOR for STRIKE in the instrument. Use the MUX MODULATOR

a) Use no pedal and make your adjustments with the handles A and/or B, or

c) If you want to truncate the pedal sweep effect, connect the pedal to handle A, and position handle B to the desired effect! B at the bottom will give you a control over 0-50 with the pedal sweep, and with B at the top you control 50-100

d) You can of course connect your Expression pedal directly from the Patch bay to control the STRIKE dimension of any instrument too, of course.

is ‘mux’ another name for ‘wobble’?

No, it is a MIX of any two inputs of your choosing. Combine inputs via handles A and B according to the principle I sketched out above. You can use Wobble as one if you like, perhaps with a Pedal?

the last entry on my system for the modulators is wobble (where yours says mux).

it doesn’t seem to change when i attach multiple cables.

You can click on “Wobble” and a selection window will open.

Click on any of them for this view (as @Dutti67) said, and then choose:

More about the MODLATORS here:

@Dutti67 @LoFiLeiF thanks! that is a really useful menu i was completely unaware of.

and @LoFiLeiF i really appreciate the videos, just tried to subscribe on patreon but it’s giving me a paypal error. i’ll try again later today.

Interesting, I was just discussion another botched PayPal transaction (totally unreated to my Patreon) with another guy, so i guess it is a PayPal issue. :roll_eyes:

it went thru. thanks again for all of the videos, they are enormously helpful.

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My goodness :smiling_face: You are too kind! :pray:

WELL… to be honest
(A) I don’t want to have to use (yet) ANOTHER plugin
(B) The pictures (video) look almost like a Eurorack, or Drambo or something… more complication

I am using MIDI Guitar on iOS, and so I’m not sure what version is available on iOS. Sorry… I really want something simple.

To be honest: the whole direction JO took this is uh, complicated and overly expansive. There are PLENTY of fx plugins, virtual instruments, etc… we JUST NEED the best, most accurate, fastest, cleanest tracking pitch to MIDI.
It seems they went off and made the next synth, virtual instruments, and Eurorack and the kitchen sink software…uh.

I do appreciate all the comments. I just want EZ.

Frustrated in Philly

I agree—and Fixed Velocity was a MIDI Machine selection in MG2 ( I use it frequently). No idea why that would have been removed for MG3?

@edm11 You can use the Modulators in MG3 (as I described above).
It seems as @Vmusic is talking about iOS, so that is still a question about MG2 I guess?

I don’t use pedals, expressions, or instruments in MG2 ( or MG3), only translating audio to MIDI. Your method using Modulators doesn’t apply, and is more like a workaround than a solution.
As was mentioned, Fixed Velocity was a Midi Machine so its removal is puzzling.

MUX? I think my grandmother used to make that. Is that legal in all states?

Is this standard MIDI terminology?

Is this standard audio terminology?

What is wrong with solution a) and setting the desired fixed velocity with handle B? It is exactly the same thing as choosing a MIDI Machine (fixed velocity) in MG2, except for the fact that you have to connect MUX to STRIKE with a a cable?
No pedal needed.
Yoiu are even using the same vertical motion when setting the value.