MIDI pitch bend events with pitch bend set to off in MG3

I’ve started testing the latest beta version of MG3 with SuperCollider and I noticed that I am getting a stream of midi pitchbend events at zero, despite having the pitchbend turned off. I’m on a Macbook air M1. MG3 as a standalone application routed to SuperColliders midi in.

So how are you connecting? Are you using SuperCollider also as standalone and connecting via a MIDI OUTPUT module (MIDI Machine) on some of the chains? Are you using the NO BENDS option in MIDI OUTPUT? I tried this and got nothing on PB.

Both applications are as standalone. I’m connecting via a MIDI output module on a chain with no bends selected. The module is in standard MIDI mode, not MPE. Channel pressure is also off.

So do you have any other controllers connected as well? If you want to try a great free MULTI controller MIDI Monitor I can recommend Gert Bevins ShowMIDI app. With that I can easily identify what sources are sending what information. GitHub - gbevin/ShowMIDI: Multi-platform GUI application to effortlessly visualize MIDI activity

in MG2 pitchbend=0 is send continously, as soon as pitchbend > 0 has been sent before. This is most likely part of the auto pitchbend mechanism, that switches between bends when 1 note sounds and non-bend when polyphonic.

Yes, of course. Like @Paul points out here, you will have something (a fixed value) for pitch bend. But you won’t have any change to that value. It is the 0 (64 or 8192) value. It looks like this in Ableton:
Skärmavbild 2024-08-25 kl. 18.05.54

I have other controllers, like breath controllers etc, but I always keep my setup limited to what I’m actually using at the time. Thanks for the free app recommendation.

Ok, thanks. It just seems a bit unnecessary to fill up midi buffers with information that’s not needed. I can understand a zero message after bends are turned off, but don’t understand the constant stream after that single event. It doesn’t really matter though, Cubase couldn’t care less and SuperCollider will only respond to whatever I code it to do. I was just surprised to see the pitchbend information there, I just happened to be printing out received events in SuperCollider whilst debugging code.
But thanks, at least it’s not a bug. :upside_down_face:

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