Hi everybody!
I’m a long time user, since version 1, and I’m very happy with MG, for my live use.
As I quit bringing a laptop to my gigs, I’m now downgraded to v1 on a vPed, which is quite bulky and limited to 32 bit plugins…
Is there any chance you could make an LV2 version to sell on Mod Duo devices? They’re quite powerful, and they are way easier than a computer to carry around!
There’s a kickstarter campaign going on right now for their new Dwarf pedal, and it’s be great to have MG2 running on one of these!
I would second this request. i believe any plug-in freed from its pc in such a road friendly device like the Mod Audio Dwarf or Mod Duo x is really a benediction.
There is also a growing market for Linux musical applications. Would LV2 be such a huge investment?
And then there is this Linux wrapper for vst that could potentially help https: dssi-vst - A VST plugin adapter for Linux
Can you guys please have a look at it?