MPE and VSeries (Acoustic Samples)

Has Anybody tried using the VSeries in MPE mode with MG3?
For me, it sounds a little off (mainly the legato), and I’m not knowledgeable enough, to know if this is a AC thing, a MG3 thing or just me…

First of all, I have a few instruments from the Acoustic Samples V-series, and I can’t see how using the MPE mode for these would improve the way they perform in any relevant respects other than extending the bend range to 12, and perhaps allow for micro tuning.

Secondly, as I tried my saxophones and trumpets today, I can’t seem to get any bends through whatsoever. It is not a general problem in UVI Falcon or the Workstation. The factory MPE presets work fine, and I can use a couple of other MPE instruments. I checked but there are no updates to any of these so I am at a loss with what could be the issue. I have used these before, so I know they CAN work (no sensible MPE implementation however). But I must look into the bends issue a little more. Have you tried contacting Acoustic Samples?

No, not at all. I wouldn’t be able to come up with any qualified troubleshooting.
But it saddens me, since I really like the timbre of their instruments, and if they had SWAM level MPE support, that would be amazing!!

Well, I purchased these Vhorns Saxophones when they came out, because exactly like you I felt they had this really nice timbre. But that was about all they had going for them. I asked AC if there would be a way to save a general setup with a breath controller, to just switch between their “sound” presets, just like you can with the SWAM instruments? Distinguishing between Sound and controller mappings, but being able to save both to any one preset if wanted. As I remember it they were very uninterested.

I also made them aware of an issue with “stuck notes” when using an MPE controller and overlapping notes in moderately rapid succession. It is still an issue.

There has been a pretty widespread request for AC to adress the aggressive cutoff in their instruments genereally, but also this has been left unaddressed.

So to be totally honest, I have kind of given up hope some time ago, and this is probably why I haven’t recognized the “loss of response tp pitch bends”. The big question now is only why? I will try a few different computers and also try a few earlier versions of MG3 to see if something has happened. But I don’t think it is a MG thing at all, because I get the same results in MG2 as well, and I can clearly see the pitch bend data in Falcon’s own MIDI monitor.

I would love it if all developers took the controller side of thing as serious as the AM guys does with the SWAM instruments. Those are truly a joy to work with.

So, after having doublechecked I can only conclude I am getting old fast. Pitch bends does work as before. No issues there. So let’s get after your issue. There are settings in the Prefs/Pitch department that could affect the pitch (if by off you mean pitchy). If you on the other hand mean just that the legato sounds/feels a bit weird to play, you have a lot of Legato transition settings as well. (I have yet to find any one setting that makes these 100% playable though).

A big difference could be in how you are setting up: are you using any external control for AIR? I guess you are using the MPE setting in the Vseries instruments. Are you then changing the MG3 PB to 12 as well?

No, the PB is set to default 48. So that’s obviously an easy fix. Yes I use the BBC2 breath controller. And yes, I make sure to MPE enable in the settings.

Yes it is mainly legato, and the fact that it (the flute) sounds a little laggy, even with a buffer size at 128. Not that this necessarily has something to do with the MPE compatibility i know, but I could see how much of a difference it did for the swam instruments (in terms of playability).

And yes, the Swam instruments are such a joy to play indeed! Since I downloaded MG3 (windows) I haven’t been able to put my guitar down😄.
I feel like this is the closest you can get to sound like the real instrument, without fiddeling for hours with a sample library. The only downside to swam is the timbre. I have owned the clarinet for many years (since version 1), and for some reason I am sick and tired of that sound. I’m not sure if it is the timbre, og just the way the engine plays that instrument, but I wish AM would find a way to improve the timbre.

As for the AS, I guess I just have to experiment with the different legato settings then. Maybe I will stumble upon the solution for the lagginess😊