Need to know what file MG2 Presets are stored in

Need to know what file MG2 Presets are stored in.

I’m writing a backup script for my laptop and only want to backup specific files. I normally do a HD clone for the programs and systems files but I like to keep my user settings or files backed up separately for simplicity. This way I can easily back up any new settings or files quickly and safely instead of doing a drive clone.

Hopefully there is one dll or other file that all the presets are stored in. Even if there is more than one it would still be ok. I just want to back up any new things instead of the whole system. This way I could do a quick backup after making a new preset.

In MG, go to “Preferences” and “Open Data Folder” and then “Patches” folder.

I just did it again. I found my saved patches and Vst’s and reloaded them and now the FCB1010 and MG2 patches work perfectly again.

Meanwhile back at the ranch MS did an update.

I just love the FCB1010 for the organ/leslie pedal I use with the mixed pedal guitar.

now would be a great time to back up things up to external media.