New to guitar midi...Authentication crashed

My first try…
Apple mac mini 2016 running high Sierra.
Logic 10.9
plug in Authentication crashed repeatedly.

Any suggestions. I will try midiguitar 2 later today…

I’m pretty sure MG3 isn’t supported on older versions of macOS (I don’t have a reference handy – Google will surely help you) but MG2 should be fine.

I downloaded the version 10.14 and older. I am on 10.13 so I thought it would work.

@antoine, If you are experiencing a problem, other forum members can’t help you unless you provide specific information.

I am sorry , I don’t know what other information to provide.
I have installed the “10.14 or older” mac version without problems.
My specs
mac OS 10.13.6
Logic 10.2.4
Guitar midi 2 is working
Guitar midi 3 crashed validation

what else should I specify?

Based on your last post, there’s absolutely nothing at all unusual going on. As I replied earlier:

“…MG3 isn’t supported on older versions of macOS … but MG2 should be fine.”

So, MG2 is validating for you now (as expected) but if you plan to use MG3 you will have to run it on a more recent version of macOS. I seem to recall that Big Sur was the minimum required OS, but it may even be a later version.