Pan control for chain/s question and chains series/parallel question

In some of my saved patches I’m seeing not all chains have a pan control in the mixer. I’m not sure what dictates the availability of a functional pan knob.
And if chains are all on one row versus multiple rows is the signal flow for the chains into the mixer still the same? Parallel?

Sounds mysterious. There should always be 3 pan controls in the mixer. Can you paste a screenshot?

FTR, I accidentally connected a pan control to a Patchbay slot (intending something else) and when I long-clicked to remove the wire, it reset the pan knob to zero, which then looked invisible to me. Not saying that’s what happened here, but this was a point along my path to learning the behavior of disconnecting patch cables! :slight_smile:

I can pan the first chain, the other two no luck. First time it was that way it was just the second knob that was small and unresponsive

I have seen this before, it happens when you connect a wire between the Pan knob and the mixer Slider.
Not sure why it allows you to do this but once you connect them they are stuck in this position.

Simply hover the mouse over the connection while holding down the backspace key to delete the connection and reveal the pan button.

Ah thanks.

You can disable the wire by holding down the mouse button on the pan connector, for a second. Or as @Herold says, use the backspace key.

But we should just disallow this particular cabeling, which doesn’t make any sense.

May thanks. I didn’t have a reason to create any cabling but maybe I was experimenting. I’ve been fumbling around in the dark trying to discover how to use it so could have been me.

Am I correct in assuming the signal from the 3 chains are in parallel feeding into the Mixer regardless of selecting 1,2 or 3 Rows?

One of the chains usually has a module that the other two don’t when you create a new patch. Are all 3 chains the same as far as optimal for use with a soft synth or an amp modeling plugin?

The signals from all the channels are in parallel and you can use any channel for audio or midi (guitar, backing track, instrument, fx, etc.).

The choice of the number of Rows depends solely on the display.

In a new patch, by default, channel 2 contains modules and its mixer volume is set to 0dB, but this is a convention that you can ignore.

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Many thanks for the clarification! I suspected as much but it is good to have the definitive answer as I go poking around trying to learn more because I can now disregard any concerns that I have that routing wrong.