What would be the best DAW when it comes to MIDI handling?
Cubase from my own research.
What do you say?
daws are such a personal choice, almost like shoes. for me ableton is like that pair of jeans that fits you just right.
but i doubt my experience applies to your situation.
‘midi handling’ is kind of vague. are you scoring orchestral work? developing complex multi-layered instruments?
a few examples of your common tasks/workflows will help people make some recommendations.
Thanks for answering.
I asked about MIDI, because I am going to buy MIDI Guitar now, so that’s obvious.
Otherwise I do recording acoustic and E-guitar, audio for now and MIDI too in the future.
I own Komplete Ultimate and some other stuff from Steinberg, Arturia, Vienna Symphonic et al, and want to use that with MIDI Guitar.
Lastly I think of buying Divisimate and try a little composing and orchestrating.
I own an old version of Presonus Studio One, currently not sure whether to upgrade/update this DAW or get another.
i think divisimate and mg3 will be a solid match.
do you have any strong feelings re: studio one? have you invested much time into it? know your way around?
re: cubase - it does seem like it is one of the more problematic daws, from the posts here and on places like gearspace etc. ie: you’ll be able to do everything you want to, but you may spend more time than you like scratching your head.
ableton is probably not the choice for you, unless perhaps you are a looper.
it does seem like presonus’s efforts will increase the userbase for studio one. if so, it is nice when there are lots of users facing the same issues, problems tend to get resolved more quickly.
I think the specific DAW doesn’t matter as much as your familiarity with how it works, its strengths and weaknesses. If you already have a licence for Studio One and are familiar with it, I’d stick with that for now.
Also, lots of people like Reaper and it’s cheap and highly customizable (though I’ve never jived with it). Might it be worth investigating for you?
Thanks for answering.
I don’t have any problems with S1, just wanted to know if there is something better before upgrading to V7, I currently own V4.
So I will stick with it right now.
I’m a hobbyist anyway, so no pressure.
Thanks for answering, I will stick with S1 for now.