Resets when recording in Loopy Pro

When using MG3 as auv3 in Loopy Pro, it “jumps between” (changes) presets when starting a recording.

You are using Loopy Pro with either CC14 or CC15 for a controller assignment coming into MG3. Those are used for patch Up/Down in MG3 and should be avoided.

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That makes sense, but those are the CCs on my Midi Foot Controller, how can I avoid having to change those? Can I use a different channel?

If you want to use your foot controller with this setup, you should probably just reprogram the CC assignments coming out of that. Use something else than 14-15.
Is there any particular reason for sticking with those particular CCs for the footpedal?

Add: Switching MIDI channels worked fine when we didn’t use MPE, but now we are making use of the MIDI channels in a different way. And changing from sending on MIDI Channel 1 may cause more (other) problems here.

Are there other CCs to avoid?

You probably don’t want to use standard CCs like CC1,CC2, CC7, CC11, CC64, and others unless you are looking specifically to control functions like Modulation (Pitch Wheel), Breath control, MAIN Volume, expression, sustain pedal , and others in synths you are using. But if you are asking only about MG3, the only two I know about are CC14,15. Everything else needs to be connected via the MIDI patch bay connectors, or from any MIDI machines passing on CCs like MIDI device, for instance.

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